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Wise-Cracker's Trade Shop!!! [H] Machamp X, 2x Flygon X

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RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

Binx: I perfer not trading large merch because of shipping cost. Now if you were able to cover shipping we could work something out.

Glaceon: OK, I know I have one Gengar Prime I am willing to trade. What would you offer me on it and the Machamp SF.

Darkvoid57: Do you have any of my wants?
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

Well, that is not enough for the Sleeves unless you have a lot of seeker.
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

Lol yeah i realized. Can you check my list for some other stuff maybe?
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

Did you still want my steelix prime x2? Cause i would do it for your kingdra prime x2 and il throw in something else to make it equal
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

MudkipV3: I could do my one Kingdra Prime and extras for your two. LMK

The Chariot: This is what I liked off of your thread.

Tyranitar Prime (x1)
Crobat Prime (x1)
Absol Prime (x1)
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

Maybe if you add in a couple collectors, or like, a collector and a couple comunications or something?

Those are my big wants, i need a deck thats not all proxies XD
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

I can probably do 2x Communication but, I don't have any spare collectors.
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

According to T@T thats almost even, but would you toss in a couple reversals to even it up?, i need em anyway XD. Pokemon Reversal is like 40 cent XD
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

OK so,

Kingdra Prime
2x Pokemon Communication
2x Reversal

2x Steelix Prime
1x Sunflora HG/SS?

LMK if we can do this?
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

Yeah actually, we can do that, il pm you
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

Hey, i don't need Carchomp C LV.X anymore. I'm only interested in Promocroak and 2 of your Machamp PRIME.

I still have to offer 1x Rotom sleeve pack, 2x RH cyrus's Conspiracys and if you need a Broken Time-Space. You can recheck my list for other stuff. I repeat, I only need 1x Promocroak and 2x Machamp PRIME
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

I need Champs more. Can you come up with a deal which includes or 2x Champs or 1x Champ and 1x Promocroak. And as for cyruses, I can compo RH and non RH, depending what else you'd want form me.
RE: Just Got Back From League!!! Updated Haves and Wants!!!

Would you do absol for steelix? They're worth about the same.
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