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Wise-Cracker's Trade Shop!!! [H] Machamp X, 2x Flygon X

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RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

Torterra_Tank said:
I will look at some other offers and get back with you.

I can add in a Palkia G Lv X or a few smaller rares to help the deal along.
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!


1x Salamence Lv. X
1x Rhyperior Lv. X (Pack)
1x Spiritomb AR
1x Mismagius SF (RH)
1x Blissey Prime
1x Cynthia's Feelings
2x Expert Belt


Luxray GL Lv. X

LMK or counter... I can add on more if you want...
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

Fusion said:
I could use your Lux G Level x, like everyone else. Could you CML. I also have a ton of common/uncommon wants if you could check them out as well!

I didnt see anything.

Lucario_aura_wielder said:
cml for luxrat x

I didnt see anything.

mr.619 said:
Please CML for Lux X, PGX, and DGX.

I saw a lot I will PM you everything I am interested in.

Luiserebii said:

1x Salamence Lv. X
1x Rhyperior Lv. X (Pack)
1x Toxicroak G (Promo)
1x Spiritomb AR
1x Mismagius SF (RH)
1x Blissey Prime
1x Cynthia's Feelings
2x Expert Belt


Luxray GL Lv. X

LMK or counter... I can add on more if you want...

Do you have Uxie X.
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

No, I do not have Uxie X. I'll add a Dusknoir Lv. X, though, if you want, and maybe a Regigigas X (pack) too!
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

Cml for Lux X
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

CyndaquilMaster said:
Please CML for Luxray GL Lv. X and DGX.

You can make me an offer on Luxray but, off your list the main things I wanted were Landmin X, and RH Premier Ball. Can we work something out for just them?

Steelix_Kid said:
Cml for Lux X

Didnt see anything I wanted but, I am interested in your Luxray Gl X.
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

Well Were not gonna do that
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!!!!!

I'm not even gonna TRY asking for LGLX LOL

CML Sableye and ...lets see.... Donphan Prime (1)
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!!!!!

blaZofgold said:
I'm not even gonna TRY asking for LGLX LOL

CML Sableye and ...lets see.... Donphan Prime (1)

I am interested in your
Heatran X
Gengar X
Porygon-Z X

Trainer_ShellShock said:
my 2 Vileplume UD fro you 1 Floatzel GL X pm me if you like the deal?

I cant do that but, I am interested in your 2x Vileplume UD.

Luiserebii said:
No, I do not have Uxie X. I'll add a Dusknoir Lv. X, though, if you want, and maybe a Regigigas X (pack) too!

I didnt see enought for him but, did you see anythig else on my list.

Luiserebii said:
No, I do not have Uxie X. I'll add a Dusknoir Lv. X, though, if you want, and maybe a Regigigas X (pack) too!

I didnt see enought for him but, did you see anythig else on my list.
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

shadoworganoid said:
Well, to start with, my offer does include a spiritomb (AR).
I have the RH Oddish and Gloom you wanted.

I have lookers and collectors, but not in RH....

So to re list it;

Flygon Lv X
Leafeon Lv X
Spiritomb (AR)
Salamence Lv X
PokeTurn x2
Oddish (LA) RH
Gloom (LA) RH

(What else?)

Luxray GL Lv X
shadoworganoid said:
I can add in a Palkia G Lv X or a few smaller rares to help the deal along.

So.....Yes? No? All your other offers are lame it seems. (no offense)
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

Is there anything you need off of my list? I trade for bulk
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!

No sorry not ATM. Soon I should be able to get any card in exchange for bulk
RE: Completely Updated List!!!!! Come Check It Out!!!!!

Torterra_Tank said:
CML for
4x Spiritomb AR
Arceus Double Body Set
Salamence X

Hey, all I really see is the Luxray X, I can add in if you're willing, I have some of the other cards on your list as well. Thanks
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