Wish me luck?


Going to go to my first organized play at a local card shop...Now maybe you cannot make any certain generalization about one store, but are the players any good? I mean I have a great deck in mind, but I don't want to spend the money on the cards until I know I am going to be doing this for a while. So I suppose this is my test night...

All I have is a Terra Firma theme deck...tips on winning :p. I will buy a pack or two before the tourney starts to see if there is anything that could help. Pulling a Vespiquen or Dustox (have a reverse holo Cascoon) would be nice, and Torterra X. would be a life saved :p. Weavile and Skuntank work too...

Unfortunately the guy is way too into magic though. He only has FIVE single cards for sale...*sigh*...the last owner was so much better. And who wants to put $8 for Jumpluff?
I fear that if the opposition is any good, you'll get mauled apart. Really, try to get a good deck with the help of eBay. 'course, you can use the shop tourney to check how the game is played in competive play.
definitely start buying packs. even more theme decks to get multiples of at least decent and staple cards, not to mention plenty of energy.

don't get discouraged, because unfortunately you prob. won't do well your first night. but hey, Bobby Fisher prob didn't win his first game of chess either, though.

Good luck though man!