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Standard Wobbcrozma


Aspiring Trainer
3x Wobbuffet (BUS)
3x Rayquaza (GRI)
2x Dawn Wings Necrozma GX (ULP)
1x Necrozma GX (SM58)
2x Alolan Diglett (SUM)
2x Alolan Dugtrio (SUM)
2x Shining Mew (SHL)
1x Oranguru (SUM)

4x Cynthia
4x Max Elixir
3x Professor's Letters
3x Ultra Ball
2x Brigette
2x Professor Sycamore
2x Po Town
2x Ninja Boy
2x Guzma
2x Float Stone
2x Pal Pad
1x Energy recycler
1x Field Blower
1x N
1x Rescue Stretcher

9x Psychic Energy
3x DCE's

Main attacker of this deck is Wobbuffet whether you can believe it or not. Shadowy Knot for 50x damage for each retreat the opponent was something I could not pass up especially with Alolan Dugtrio's Tangling hair ability which adds extra retreat to the active pokemon. It's attack calls fro 3 PE's. Expensive? I know but with either Shining Mew or Rayquaza it's achievable. Shining mew let's you attach 2 PE's for 1 PE. Essentially sacrificing it due to it's low 40 HP. Rayquaza's Turbo Storm let's two PE's be attached to basic Pokemon on bench from discard. That's where Prof. Sycamore and Great Balls come into play. Prof. Letter's searches for the energy to be discarded and the reattached through Rayquaza's attack which also does a little 30 damage with 120 HP Max Elixir to help speed the process up.

Since there is no more VS Seeker I opted to play 2 Pal Pad's.

Summoning Dawn Wing's Necrozma through Ninja Boy or its Invasion ability. Basically Keldeo EX with Rush In. Utilizing it's Moon's Eclipse GX attack which can only be used if their are less prizes on my side (sacrificial Shining Mew). Big bonus of the attacks and its effect's are prevented on the next turn. Necrozma GX can also be brought in for Wobbufett through ninja Boy and using it's Prismatic Burst as desperation.

Note that PO Town has the ability to place 3 damage counters for every Pokemon that is evolved. Originaly thought Mount Lanakila, but it only added retreat cost to basic pokemon.

Not much success from League Cup's because of the lack of Shining Mew, but it did surprise a lot of people of the power that Wobb can bring.

Please let me know what you think and I am open to suggestions.