World of Warcraft

Do you think World of Warcraft is horrible?

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The ultimate soul silver fan

I am all-mighty and powerful
Everyone who is in middle school through adult years know this (I bet). But World of Warcraft (also known as wow) is taking over my friends.

I made this friends not to talk about it but to tell how dangerous it is and some experiences.

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It's not dangerous... well, no more than any other video game. Although I haven't played WoW in quite a while, it's a fun game and there really isn't anything wrong with it. At least not enough to be considered dangerous. Also,you could've posted this is the video-game sub-forum.
It's not the game's fault that your friends are "addicted". It's their fault for not having any self-control. I still play the game and it doesn't take over my life. (The rest of the internet does)
It's like any game, World of Warcraft is addictive. Any good game is addictive, why would the game be horrible for being addictive? It's only dangerous to kids who has serious mental health issues, if your friends are that addictive that it's actually taking over their life and you really want them to stop, how about taking them to a doctor?
Why exactly should we care? If it's your friend, then three cases happen:
-You join said friend in WoW and play alot.
-Said friend no longer has time for you.
-Said friend quits.

Either way, the "issue" solves itself out. There's really no point in trying to tell them not to do it. It's like telling them not to drink excessively.
I admit I've lost a couple friends of mine who quit TCG/CCG's entirely for WoW and it's a real shame. WoW is really addictive however what they're really missing is being able to socially hang out with your friends in the real world playing CCG's and TCG's or interacting in real life instead of sitting by a monitor in a virtual world.

I acknowledge the fact that there are some people who play WoW and have the self-control to still play TCG/CCG's however with people that have a hard time doing that it's a real shame cause it's like they're hurting their friends more than themselves IMO.

If there is anything else besides the current state of the economy that is slowly killing the CCG Genre
it's World of Warcraft. Alot of people just don't have the kind of spending habits that they used to before the Recession started and people are trying to find other hobbies that cost less money to adapt and move on with their lives.

I'm sure that once the economy recovers there will be as many people playing CCG's as there are people playing WoW.
Two of my friends have been/are addicted, and they literally forced me to play once, but I don't care much for the game myself. And it seems to me both of those friends have gotten a lot more self control and haven't been playing nearly as much. One moved on to playing too much X-Box, and one is just still stuck playing Nintendo games instead. XD
Me Niether - People have different tastes. I, myself, hate the game. But you see Gale doesn't. It's just like I hate LOST and Gale obviosly doesn't - do you get my meaning?
My friends were swallowed in the Vortex of addiction while playing that game. They got so addicted that thats what the played for like weeks. Then they saw that the game got boring and they just quit. You just have to wait till they stop playing it, because they will get bored of it someday. I myself haven't played that game so I don't really know how addicting it maybe.
Yes, I have heard it is a fairly addicting game, and I watched that first hand with my brother. He would do almost nothing except for playing WoW for around a couple of months. He seems to have gotten out of an addiction, but he still plays it frequently.

But anyway, as long they aren't horribly addicted (as in they blow off important things for WoW), then I see now reason to be overly concerned. Like a few posters said above me, they'll eventually grow out of it. Again, I witnessed this with my brother.

I've never played the game myself, mostly because it doesn't sound like something I'd be interested in. I have been persuaded to try, though.
Heh...I don't play WoW because I can't afford it...which explains why I have never gotten addicted. However, I do know a few people at my school that play it nonstop. ._.