Worlds Meta and Testing Results, Part 1


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Hello everyone! With the World Championships coming just around the corner, I’ve been testing to try and narrow down what I would like to play for the tournament. Instead of going over specific decks for these next two articles, I’m going to discuss the meta as a whole: decks, trends, and my personal opinions based on testing the various decks. Hopefully this will provide some insight into this new format and, if you’re going to Worlds, some additional information and direction regarding the decks.
The only difference between the formats for Worlds and NAIC is, of course, Shrouded Fable. This set has some great cards, but all of the decks that were good for NAIC are still more or less playable. However, thanks to the introduction of Dusknoir and Kyurem, as well as...

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I think we will see Worlds have alot of your standard Meta decks in it with the only real differences being a tech here or there. I doubt many will have any new Shrouded Fable decks, they won't be willing to use a fully new deck in this tourney.
Mew VMAX will somehow come back from the Expanded format to win Worlds 2024. JustInBasil saw it coming down the pipe last year. We have been warned.