Worst thing that has ever happend to my TCG career


Innovative Roleplayer
I was thinking of putting my charizard* into my deck after seeing the PK deck lists, since the Dark Blast deck has 4 dark energies. I thought of putting him into my "Earth Storm" deck with Swampert EX acting as a recycler of energy to put the darkness energies back on charizard.

...but the thing is, I lost charizard*! It was in my album that was in my locked bag. But I opened it once to show it to the shopkeeper of a local cardshop in our place, and when I got home, I realized it wasn't there anymore. The shop is only around 500meters from home so I thought maybe I should check going there everyday. I checked every single corner of my house, and my locker in school. The only place I suspect is the shop, and the shopkeeper probably stole it even if the shop was Yugioh based, he told me on the day I lost it that, "I saw how expensive you charizard* was in the internet." Sucks to be me....
Well sadly, unless you can prove the shop person had anything to do with it you are a bit stuck. If it had fallen out somewhere on your way home then somebody would probably have seen it. As you live so close to a card shop, a pokemon fan would be very likely to have walked past it if it had been there. If it was the shop person who took it delibrately then he is a total (b-s edit).
anyway, dont build the deck, it's not consistence enough to be good. u'll have to wait until swarmpy ex comes out before u can start the combo. What'cha gonna do when u are building swarmpy ex? there will be only 1 char * in a deck, once it's KOed, u'r done for it...

If i ever got char*, i would put it on altar and start praying. No way anyone will touch my card, i wont allow them to do so.
Worst thing that ever happened to me was when i mysteriously lost a Latios HP and a Latios DS when I went out for lunch...:( I am never taking my new vaporeon * out!!! Anyhow that's gotta hurt bout the charizard...
When I brought my card album to school(it was chilrens day), and also my deck, at that time, I had 5 Exploud ex's, then when I went out of class, then I came back, 2 of them were missing!:'(
I have lost 1 rare candy and 1 wally.I do not know whats good in pokemon * the most of are bad.
It does not really matter how playable this charizard is or is not. The point is that even if you are not going to use it you can sell it on for quite a bit of money. Also not everybody plays with the cards. Some people just collect them.
Heh, this happened to me when I had the original Charizard. I went to a store to sell some of my cards, and when we left in the car, I noticed my Charizard was missing. We went back to the store, and the store keeper said he didn't have it. I demanded for him to show me the cards I sold to him that were in a pile, and he went through them and said "There's no Charizard in here." I picked up the pile and found it in there, though. :/ He obviously stole it, and he didn't even apologize.
when i were child some friends stole my jirachi promo and i was so angry . into yaers later . i find the jirachi.in he is house but now is with me.
Phillipines has some pretty nasty people stealing other people's stuff so as an advice, don't bring your cards out of your house anywhere except the tournaments.
People are jerks. Once, I was on the receiving side of cards though. I found a stack of cards on the floor at our local league when I was much younger. There was a Char, Blastoise and Base Venusaur in the pile, along with some other ones. I told the gym leader if anyone was looking for a stack of cards to come to me. One kid did come over, but he was known as a thief in our league. I asked him what cards he lost, and you could tell by his tone that he was lying. So I ended up keeping them. *Shrugs* I was young, what can I say.