Nobody directed that towards you, why do you feel offended?The Fire Wyrm said:Have you READ my post?
I'm pretty sure thats a fact.
Sorry, I'd have to say that's my fault. Because I'm apparently stupid or something of the sort.Zenith said:this thread should probably be closed before flamewars
Teal said:Nobody directed that towards you, why do you feel offended?
Btw., another horrible game is Professor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights (3DS). It is an extremely cheap Layton ripoff that tries to do much, but fails at everything except the cutscenes.
Equinox said:He said the original was worse, that was what I said in response.
P.S. 800th post!
Zenith said:this thread should probably be closed before flamewars
Zyflair said:You request to a staff member to close the thread. This can be done by private messaging one or reporting your own thread for the request. However, it's up to the staff member whether the thread should be locked or not (actually, if I recall correctly, didn't we abolish this policy?).
ShadowLugia said:I think this thread would actually be decent if people just stated their opinions and gave valid arguments for them, and not take opposing views as if they were an insult to their honor. I, for one, enjoyed reading Medic and Don's posts. It's very interesting to see the experiences of other gamers, even if I don't agree with their opinions.
PMJ said:All right, look.
Errbody got their games they like and games they hate. But that doesn't mean you need to get on a horse, raise an army, and defend Game X to the death like someone posting that they didn't like it means it suddenly became the opinion of the entire world and Game X is being slated for complete destruction unless YOU DO SOMETHING.
Example: I think Final Fantasy VII and X are great games. I liked the concept of Materia and how it basically let everyone use every skill. I also enjoyed the story and I chuckle at how blocky and no-facey everyone is.
X is admittedly linear for most of the game but the extra stuff you can do at the end of the game makes up for it. The Sphere Grid was also pretty innovative; I know I felt like a boss using Yuna's physical attack and doing 99999.
Pride and PokeMedic might not agree with my post but that doesn't mean that they're going to mount their steeds and rawr at me and say why my opinions are wrong and how FF7 and FFX were balls.
If you see someone talk smack about a game you like, instead of jumping down their throat for it, why don't you just say (in your head) that they're missing out on what you think is a great game and move on? This thread would look a lot nicer if everyone would do that.
don()shinobi said:Then let's enforce that a bit more. I'm sure everybody has some bad experiences with video games, no?
Mudkip-EX said:E.T seriously crashed to entire video game industry. It was THAT BAD.
bacon said:Sonic 06 is basically what you'd get if you had a magical machine that could convert fanfics into games.
Mudkip-EX said:Well then.
Game: Fable III
Console: Xbox 360
Reason: Completely ruined the Fable formula with meaningless story and horrible combat system. Completely let down anyone who had played the original two Fable games, even though it had nice graphics.
Sonic 06 was Rule 34: The Game. I did laugh my butt off at Action 52, just like those cheap and crappy movies like "The Room", "Birdemic: Shock and Terror" and "Troll 2".
Equinox said:Console: Xbox 360
Game: Left 4 Dead 2
Reasons: Zombie killing is fun, we all know this of course! Left 4 Dead 2 has this, but what else does it have? Nothing. I mean sure, it had a storyline, as well as a few kewl ways to kill zombies, but there was nothing else to it. No incentives (unless you count achievements, which still mean nothing), just "Get from Point A to Point B." Waaaay to simple for my liking. As if this wasn't enough, it gets very repetitive. Complete the game, what else ya got left? Two games to play, one has horrid multiplayer (being the special zombie), the other one? Well, it's just gathering up gas cans for the survivors, whilst the special infected try to prevent this. Tbh, good zombie killing, but terrible game and way over-hyped in my opinion /ends rant
Zyflair said:On that note, I literally have nothing to nominate... except for Flash and Mobile games, all which have done almost nothing except occupy the time of people who couldn't think of anything better to do.
Chariblaze said:A fitting overstatement, I suppose. The crash was due to a flood of games lacking in quality. E.T. culminated this lack in quality. The disappointment of Pac-Man also contributed a chunk.
How could such a machine be magical?
True Nintendo fanboys do not give money to the gaming divisions of Microsoft and Sony.
It's a PC game. It's going to be better on PC.
For the stuff that just plain isn't fun, all right. But for Flash niftibles like Shift? I'd disagree.
Console: DS
Game: ATV Thunder Ridge Riders / Monster Trucks Mayhem
Reasons: I didn't play it enough to give concrete reasonings, and I don't like ATV racers anyway, but it was just unfun. I don't remember much about it, but put it this way: It remains to be the only game I've traded in.