Would u rather...???(from Zoey 101)

would you rather...

eat a poisonous block of wood or get bitten by a Seviper which has a poisonous bite...

Your kinda stuck, their.:)
Eat da Caterpie...mmm..wurmy

would u rather miss 20 homework assignments & get a U, or get 20 lunch detentions and have to eat tuna all 20 days???
Señor Noobnerd said:
Eat escargo. The other is too sick.

Commit suicide or commit homicide?
that ^ isn't apprpriate for a children's site!!!:(
Miss the homework assignments

Would you rather go to the PTCG World Championships or the Super Bowl for both XLI and XLII?
Other games!

Would you rather kiss a Jynx,(EEEWWW!!!), or ask someone out that really isn't attractive?