Finished Would you rather: The game that is played... in America!

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RE: Would you rather...

A, I would be you.

A. Be morbidly obese.
B. Be seriously underweight.
RE: Would you rather....


A. Have a permanently stuffy nose. A nose so stuffed that you'd be forced to breathe through your mouth, you can't smell or sneeze, and it it always very runny.
B. Have all your eyelashes turned into slimy tentacles around 15cm long. They'd mess up your vision, and they feel oh so disturbing.
RE: Would you rather...

B. At least I can cut it off.


A. Go to the prom with me.
B. Go to the homecoming dance with me.
RE: Would you rather....

A. It's more important.

A. Be covered with live insects.
B. Eat a bowl of live insects. It contains the same amount of insects that you'd be covered in.
RE: Would you rather...

I will just shake them off!

A. First place at states
B. Top eight at regionals
RE: Would you rather...

B. lol, this means I'm good enough to win states

A. live the rest of your life on a roller coaster
B. live the rest of your life on a jet plane.
RE: Would you rather...

B. As long as it has all my needs... and wants.


A. Listen to HSM songs.
B. Listen to Sweeney Todd songs.
RE: Would you rather...

A. I like potato chips.


A. Have 1 million dollars in exchange for your family
B. Have your family complete (including your deceased relatives) in exchange for a million dollars
RE: Would you rather....

b. my fam is more important


a.have $1,000,000


b.have 1,000,000 Pokémon cards ( each worth $1 )
RE: Would you rather....

A. so you can go buy the cards....duh...

A. Have a bowl of rice every day for the rest of your life(only that and water)
B. a loaf of bread" "
RE: Would you rather...

I have no idea so A. for alot of people that is reality.

A.Practise dancing on a juggling ball while hugging and petting an orangutan(all at the same time)
B.Split your pants in several places whilst juggling bannanas and drawing on a peice of cardboard with a magic marker ( all at the same time)

If you can do either of the above you should join the circus xD
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