Would you rather...

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Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Give someone the option between two choices in which neither choice is desirable. All new posts must answer the post before them. All questions must be in the format "Would you rather..." followed by the two choices. You may make it one sentence or list them:

Would you rather

Choice A or
Choice B

I will start.

Would you rather put a toothpick under your big toe and then kick a soccer ball or brush your teeth with sandpaper?
Can I choose the grit? If so, I'll go with the toothbrushing with sandpaper.

WYR run from a wild Shiny Pokemon (not legendary) or run from a roaming Legendary Pokemon (not shiny)?
Get high-fived by someone with a tack between their fingers

WYR lick someones really dirty foot or chrew gum you found under a table?
Chew the gum; at least I get something positive (?) out of it.

WYR get a critical on a Wild Pokemon you're trying to catch (and KO that Pokemon), or watch that same Pokemon use a self-destructive move?
Watch that same Pokemon use a self-destructive move.

Would you rather:
Lose you foot for the Internet or grow a tail for not having Internet
Grow a tail. Tails are beast. :D

Would you rather have everything in the world, but have no one ever love you
Have absolutely nothing except the love of your life
Nothing but the love of my life

Would you rather:

1. Go to prison for a year
2. Destroy your entire pokemon collection (EVERYTHING)

No, you can't take pokemon stuff to prison
Prison. Hey, I get to make Liscense Plates :p! Would you rather eat glass or some really old gum you found on the sidewalk with a footprint on it?
The gum, definitely.

WYR create a bad situation that drives people away, or create an attractive situation that overcrowds the place?
Attractive situation that overcrowds the place

WYR have a real life Tepig or a real life Snivy?
Real-life Snivy.

Would you rather...

-Kiss a monkey or
-Get trapped on an elevator for 3 days (no food)
Elevator-trap please.

Would you rather kiss a disgusting smelly girl named 'Nasty Steve'
Not being allowed to bathe for three months
Kiss the girl. I'll be quick haha

Would you rather not be able to control your bladder or have a kidney stone once a month for the rest of your life?

Heh heh those suck
The bladder without control. That's what XLLL diapers are for. Would you rather gradually eat an entire motorcycle or eat a block of wood in one day?
The wood...at least it's natural and contains fiber. Lots o' fiber...

Would you rather give up the internet for your entire life
Have to eat nothing but cottage cheese for the rest of your life
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WYR have the person you have a big crush on catch you picking your nose or accidently fart really loud in public?
Farting really loud in public, cos I would make an excuse for it. :p

Would you rather kiss a Mouse for 5 minutes or fall off of a 3 story house.
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