Wow, there's actually an Illustrator Pikachu on ebay

Although I agree for the most part, obviously you're not who they're marketing this card towards. If it sells, the person who's buying it will either be a collector who values having the card in a personal way, or someone looking at it as an investment and hoping to re-sell it down the line.
Wow. If I won a million dollars in a sweepstakes or something, this would be something to buy, but I'd rather buy cards that I can play with :p
That a lot of mula but considering how rare it is, its understandable. Any info on the seller? Is he legit? I might buy some stuff from him but wanted to see how many people on here have actually purchased from him.
He seems legit. His feedback also doesn't lie. If I had an extra 32.5k to spend, I would definitely get this. It's a good collector's item and an investment, because I'm pretty sure the price is going to go up in the future. Something to give my family to sell after I pass on.
the seller is legit.has alot of rare japanese cards and promos we dont see alot of.i conside this a holy grail for collectors seeing how rare the card is and by far this is the 1st time seeing one on ebay for sale.
Cool yeah his feed back is great just wanted to make sure. He has got a bunch of gems I plan on getting a bunch of stuff when I get paid.
Wow that card is expensive. Also the seller does seem legit, and I would trust him. He is actually pretty lucky to have one of the rarest Pokemon cards.
As soon as I read the title of the thread, I thought, "I bet it's brianjapan selling it."

And sure enough, it is. That guy's just full of awesomeness. xD Like others have said, he's completely legitimate and pretty much one of the coolest / best Pokémon merchandise sellers around. I've bought from him twice for two of my Arceus plushies, and pretty much everyone in pkmncollectors can tell you he's just fantastic.

If that beauty ever does sell, congrats to the buyer. (I'd bet Gin's watching it. ;D ...Though I havent been on pkmncollectors recently...)
mitchocalypse said:
whats the text actually say? or what does it do ( iknow its not for battling purposes as much as collecting but i'm still curious)
This is what bulbapedia said it meant:
"We certify that your illustration is an excellent entry in the Pokémon Card Game Illustration Contest. Therefore, we state that you are an Officially Authorized Pokémon Card Illustrator and admire your skill. "
Xous said:
I've bought from him twice for two of my Arceus plushies, and pretty much everyone in pkmncollectors can tell you he's just fantastic.
o_O You have a Arceus Plushy? Lucky, I really want one and I have been looking around I need it for my Arceus collection.

Wow I might buy something from this seller if everyone thinks he is good.
BrianJapan is a very legit seller, but the Illustrator most likely isn't his.

If you have the money you should buy it, though.
I see there have been 23 offers, I wonder how much they were? I also wonder how low he's willing to go, as I'm going to go ahead and wager a guess that this has never been on eBay before. 20k maybe?
Tyraniking said:
Wow. If I won a million dollars in a sweepstakes or something, this would be something to buy, but I'd rather buy cards that I can play with :p

That would apply to most of us at Pokebeach.
I wonder how this stuff gets sold. I mean, this guy/girl won an illustrator contest from Pokemon, and he/she sold the proof and his/her trophy. Imagine, if you wanted a career to be an artist, you could easily show that or whatever. Even like, Victory Medals and stuff, unless I had two, I'd never sell it. Unless I was bankrupt, it wouldn't be something I'd sell. I guess that's just me though...
PikachuMatrix said:
Wow its been a while since I heard of this card. Would I buy it if I had $32k? Probably not :p

But would you buy it, if you were a multimillionaire?
Thats pretty expensive if u ask me and it is only a card. On PokeBeach there are pretty good card fakers that can make good cards but anywas i would not buy it if i were a millionaire
CyndaquilMaster said:
^I don't know I would rather complete all the other sets if I were to collect cards and not just play with them. That is if I ever had 30k to spend.

I go after the sets since they are actually possible, though extremely difficult, to obtain. Owning every trophy is ridiculously impossible, and not worth the obsession.
You know, if I had the money to buy the thing, without it disrupting my bank account afterwards, I'd do it.

Of course, I have no chance in...well you know...of having the money for it.