wtf? tcg is going backwards???


need politoed ex! juz 1 more~~
from the main page i saw that the expansions after FE will have 'flavor text', and u guys know what?
i hate those things, they're juz wasting space! if they really do that, there will be no more pkms with 4 atks!! thanks to the 'flavor text' or whatever~~

r/s on have non of these things, and i felt very happy with it, why do they have to make these pkm information??? is Nintendo going backwards? back to the time like base sets???

why do u guys think?
Rocket's Mewtwo had three attacks and flavor text. Don't worry. Does anyone NEED four attacks? Oh... and the E-Reader strips took up the same space.
I wouldn't say there going backwards seeing as how there going to be introducing all of these new pokemon species. Maybe you could say there just giving the game a refresh point, like how it all started off, maybe to pull in new crowds, or maybe get a better reaction toward the game as well as the cards them selfs. Like giving each card it's own personality, instead of just a type, a few attacks, and maybe a power or body. There just trying to give the old pokemon a breath of air, and the new pokemon a fair chance...

Going backwards... NO...  

Heading to a better future... YES :)

I hope that answers your question...
Yeah but I don't think the e-reader symbol took up as much room as the flavor text would. Especialy on Exs and stars...
sigh i hate old cards ( pkm -e reader and below) coz their yellow border is so thick that it looks dull and wasted some space.
Well, almost every card game has a flavor text so I don't see why Pokemon shouldn't have them. Also they make the cards somehow different, which is a good thing.
what I would like is if the flavor text is not from a pokedex page....

anyways, if they reorganize weakness, resistance and retreat cost like the jap cards, I think it wouldn't take that much space...

and I hope that lv means that there won't be any ex anymore
RE:  wtf? tcg is going backwards???

cute-mew said:
and I hope that lv means that there won't be any ex anymore

Man, if they got rid of exs, I wouldn't even bother collecting them anymore. Finding an ex in a pack is one of the best things about tcg!

And I don't see the problem with flavor text, it makes the cards more special. There's nothing wrong with going back to your roots... :D
Maybe they're trying to inform us a little on the Pokémon themselves... I actually enjoy reading the flavor text on cards. You learn about the weird superhuman traits of Pokémon (like Tyranitar being able to knock down a mountain with hust one arm). ;)
RE:  wtf? tcg is going backwards???

Crazy Weavile said:
Rocket's Mewtwo had three attacks and flavor text. Don't worry. Does anyone NEED four attacks? Oh... and the E-Reader strips took up the same space.

*T-tar ex's four attacks break the card* You were saying?
RE:   wtf? tcg is going backwards???

Crazy Weavile said:
Rocket's Mewtwo had three attacks and flavor text. Don't worry. Does anyone NEED four attacks? Oh... and the E-Reader strips took up the same space.
*T-tar ex's four attacks break the card* You were saying?
... we don't need that card :p

anyways, I think we can still put 4 attacks s on 1 card no matter what, just use a smaller size and it's OK
Do you realise that we will obtain info about D/P Pokemon before they come out and possibly their Pokedexes??!!
Frankly, I don't see what the big deal is. In the end, it's still just the stats and attacks we bother with anyway, and their combos.

Flavour text or not, it's still gonna be the same game, same rules. And Pokémon with a single lame "flip a coin for 10 damage" is more of a waste of space.

And how often do you come across Pokémon that has more than two attacks anyway?
(TYranitarFReak) said:
more atks = more combos, more variety, more exciting, more useful .....
Not necessarily. Combos come from techs with other cards, not from 1 sole card...

And I liked the flavor texts, they gave information on the pokemon in general. I guess they're doing this so we have some idea about D/P pokemon.

I'd be very happy when they get rid of Ex's. The game has become repetitive and boring. The same Ex's are being printed over and over, there is nothing new in the game anymore. This is why a completely new game will keep people playing and interested in it. The loss of Ex's will be replaced by some other shiny card for people to collect. Don't forget that they'll probably still keep Shiny pokemon, or even have a new type of pokemon variation... we'll have to wait and see.
RE:  wtf? tcg is going backwards???

psyblazer_ex said:
Do you realise that we will obtain info about D/P Pokemon before they come out and possibly their Pokedexes??!!
No, not likely. This new set will come out in JAPAN the same time the games come out in JAPAN, so we'll be able to find all the info from the cards in the games. They will probably release some trainers' cards between the time they translate the D/P games so the TCG set can be released alongside the games. This is what they did before G/S came out, so it might happen again....
bacon-boy said:
Man, if they got rid of exs, I wouldn't even bother collecting them anymore. Finding an ex in a pack is one of the best things about tcg!
Hm, I'd have to disagree there. In the old days, I was overjoyed to get a holo card in a pack... but now I just get upset with a holo and wish it were an ex. I also think that these reverse holo cards ruined everything. I would much rather have 11 cards than 9 cards and a dumb one that isn't naturally shiny thrown in to appeal to the little children audience, who like shiny things. We don't need a card that bends into a banana shape by itself once exposed to air. :p
(TYranitarFReak) said:
sigh i hate old cards ( pkm -e reader and below) coz their yellow border is so thick that it looks dull and wasted some space.
Well, they wouldn't go back as far as to bring the yellow border back. I am personally very interested in seeing what the new layout of cards will be.... They look about as slick as I can image now, and I hope they just get slicker. (Which did NOT happen when they went from Neo to the E-Reader sets)
TCG is going backwards...

...yes. Because backwards is ALWAYS bad. Because it's backwards. </sarcasm>

I'm looking forward to the reintroduction. Flavour text was kinda interesting, after all.