wtf? tcg is going backwards???

TyranitarFreak: Maybe you cane xplain to us why the TCG is going backward by bringing the flavor text back? Removing Supporters makes the game goes backward, but adding the flavor text doesn't do anything.
RE:   wtf? tcg is going backwards???

Tomokazu Komiya said:
harrybitzo said:
Fangking won't like it.
So? Who cares? It's not like Fangking is a God whom we all have to please.

Correct, it's usually me who has to do the pleasing by providing fakers with blanks. Quite frankly, I'm never pleased by ANY blanking responsibilities, and if I get the usual stream of constant PMs asking me to make the blanks, I'm leaving and changing my identity XD

The card design will change completely I suspect, so I doubt very much whether I'll be providing any blanks.

But I'll enjoy looking at the real cards more

Seriously, I DO find flavor text interesting. It's what makes the old cards feel so classic The flashy design we're used to now is also good, but it'll be nice to have a mix of that and to also go back to our roots. I'm a nostalgia freak.