Well, Bippa already answered the questionnaire. I'll go ahead and respond to it and I suggest we don't do it during the bandwagon and get it out of the way now as they'll think of us as scummy if we wait till the wagon when a lynch will happen.
PMJ Bippa dmaster Meaty Blui129 dns
Bo$$89 SL/PM
Clay's after game freeze vote
This is the list of voters. The ones who we can't vote are crossed out. DNA might still be a statue so it might not be a good idea and may Clay's vote didn't count. That leaves 5 voters. It may be better to kill ESP with this kill.
...wondering why it's just four of us talking... then I remember there aren't much wolves. Or frogs, if you can call it that. good thing imma angol teehee, maybe I'll get Lucifier Spear! *goes insane and starts to throw stuff away*