Finished WWXVI Wolf Chat

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RE: Night 2

Quit your bellyaching. I'm following up on SheNinja's appeal so I know if/when he's getting unbanned. If he is not being unbanned, then he will be subbed out.
RE: Night 2

Hi guys.
I'm back.
What's up?
RE: Night 2

SheNinja has been replaced. You guys got your kill back.
RE: Night 2

Uh, it's not fun to play a game where you are in a disadvantage right from the start and then your best weapon becomes unuseable? Peptic ulcers cause pain you know.

Edit: yay
RE: Night 2


a fitting 10,000th post.
RE: Night 2

All right, read the thread over. When you're done, post your questions.
RE: Night 2

Hello Tri3sten welcome to Pokebeach. I would say that I should protect DNA or Teal. With Teal having DNA written on his forehead, it becomes suspicious.

@RG, with day gone, the FS become useless now. IDK if the FS will take some time to get it to break or if it will just regain its HP (I believe its the first option).
RE: Night 2

Jail keeper might be troublesome but I would go for another one. He is one of the best players left. There is also dmaster, DV and SL.
RE: Night 2

I am adverse to killing dmaster because he always dies early and I don't like to be the one responsible for it.
I'm getting a bit of a vibe off Machamp the Champion, though...Call it a gut feeling...
RE: Night 2

Because he mentioned I haven't spoken much, and that's because I have an ability that barred me from talking in the main game thread on Day One. Thus, I'd have to role reveal the Silent Protagonist ability.
So, I role reveal to play it safe-ish, or BS it if I don't feel like role revealing and risk getting called out on it. If we don't kill him tonight, we could always do it N3.
RE: Night 2

My final smash was released during the end part of the day. It stopped having an effect (ended) once night hit.
RE: Night 2

No it wasn't. You never used it, so it went to someone else.
RE: Night 2

RE: Night 2

Wait, this forum gives post count? trist3n will be revealed through it...
RE: Night 2

Yeah, and this may only be because I have access to this forum as well, but we may all be revealed through the online now on our profile page. I saw him viewing this thread last night.
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