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Wynaut give agassychipmunk ALL your Primes/Legends/Lvl X's!


Aspiring Trainer
Hi everyone! My name is Alex Snape, and I'm from Washington D.C. I want to buy all of your Primes/Legends/Lvl X's ( Hence the title.) Considering nobody wants their primes and old shiny cards anymore, you should definitely give them to me! I have good references on XenTrader. I also want to say right now, that the neutral reference was because I didn't get a response from someone for two weeks, and by the time he replied, I didn't need the card anymore. So, I just wanted to clear that up. Now onto the thread.

I live in Washington D.C. as I said before, and I only want to buy from people in the US
I can send the money through Paypal or Cash in an envelope. Also, if you guys want to meet up at a tournament, PM me for that, if you are uncomfortable doing that!
So, basically all I want are old ultra rares ( preferably Primes/Legends/Lvl X's but feel free to offer on that)
I have no buying experience with buying/selling, but I do trade, especially on 6P.
I only want Mint/NM cards. Nothing less, please do not waste each others time. If there is any debate whether the card is up to par or not ( condition wise) I will give you my email/phone number for you to contact me and send a photo of the card. (Condition is EVERYTHING)

So please! FLOOD me with your un-wanted Primes/Legends/Lvl X's! The more the merrier you guys! Happy Selling!

Full Edit the first post. On the subject line you will see prefix. Select the country and where you are willing to buy from.
How much are you paying? I'll be able to get you a nice amount of primes and lv. x cards :D
Daelum said:
How much are you paying? I'll be able to get you a nice amount of primes and lv. x cards :D
Just PM me all of your Primes and Legends and I will reply with what i'm willing to buy them for!