I used to be a majorly competitive Yugioh player, including qualifying for the Yugioh US Nationals twice. However, after moving, I found myself falling out of Yugioh. After a string of events, I quit completely and stopped playing card games in general, until my sister's fiance got me back into the Pokemon TCG. Using my knowledge from Yugioh, I've tried getting into Pokemon TCG, but they're so different, I need help. My deck is built around my personal favorite type, Fairies, and while I tried with it, it's not very good. This is on TCG Online, and I tend to lose a lot more than I win. Well... here's the trainwreck.
Pokemon: 19
Take out: Doduo/Dodrio, Dunsparce, 2 Fairy Energy.
Add: More Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Xerneas EX, Xerneas, Juniper
Edited your post to coincide with the rules, then I went ahead and moved it from the New Player Help forum, which is used for new players and their questions, to the Deck Garage forum, which is for all kinds of decklists. Thanks!
Pokemon: 19
2| Bouffalant (Dragons Exalted)
1| Kangaskhan EX (Flashfire)
4| Xerneas (XY)
2| Aromatisse (XY)
2| Carbink (Flashfire)
2| Slurpuff (XY)
2| Spritzee (XY)
2| Swirlix (XY)
2| Xerneas EX (XY)
4| Fairy Garden
4| Professor Juniper
3| Energy Retrieval
2| Colress
2| Evosoda
2| Great Ball
2| N
2| Pal Pad
2| Professor's Letter
2| Ultra Ball
1| Sacred Ash
14| Fairy
2| Double Colorless
Take out: Doduo/Dodrio, Dunsparce, 2 Fairy Energy.
Add: More Aromatisse, Slurpuff, Xerneas EX, Xerneas, Juniper
Edited your post to coincide with the rules, then I went ahead and moved it from the New Player Help forum, which is used for new players and their questions, to the Deck Garage forum, which is for all kinds of decklists. Thanks!