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XxKillaftwxX's trade thread

How about

1 Ampharos Pl
2 Ampharos SW
2 Flaafy HGSS
1 Electivire FB Lv.X

1 RH SP Radar
1 RH Ambipom G
1 Garchomp SV
1 RH Garchomp C
1 Luxray Gl
1 Garchomp C Lv.X(promo)

LMK if this works
Dodobrain56 said:
How about

1 Ampharos Pl
2 Ampharos SW
2 Flaafy HGSS
1 Electivire FB Lv.X

1 RH SP Radar
1 RH Ambipom G
1 Garchomp SV
1 RH Garchomp C
1 Luxray Gl
1 Garchomp C Lv.X(promo)

LMK if this works

Sounds good....just PM me your address and ill give you mine and i guess we'll take it from there also do you want the Garchomp C from the pack or Tin?
hi -- you've skipped me twice. just tell me if you don't want to trade, i dont understand what's up.
CML for Kingdra Prime and Entei & Raikou Bottom Half.
Soariyant said:
hi -- you've skipped me twice. just tell me if you don't want to trade, i don't understand what's up.
Im Really sorry about that ive just been busy..I didnt mean to skip you bout what was the trade you proposed? ill be happy to reply to you ASAP
Hey I'm interested in your

Luxray GL
Garchomp C

I have a Garchomp SV unlisted. CML for anything else. Thanks!
Please CML for;

Mewtwo lv x
Honchkrow lv x
Charizard G lv x
Rayquaza C lv x
Garchomp C lv x

Willing to trade a bunch for these man!