XY Doubles Sun Team


Go! Chandelure!
Venusaur @ Leftovers
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- Giga Drain
- Sludge Bomb
- Solar Beam
- Synthesis

This is my Chlorophyll sweeper. He basically outspeeds everything since he has mediocre speed (but obviously it is doubled by with Chlorophyll) and hits very hard. Solar Beam gets charged in one turn, Sludge Bomb OHKO's pesky fair types, Giga Drain is... standard? I don't really know why it's on here, I almost never use it. Synthesis is up there to predict obv Protects and gain back 2/3 of your health in spooky situations just in case you need too (or you can stall out something else).

Houndoom @ Houndoominite
Ability: Flash Fire/Solar Power
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Def
Timid Nature
- Substitute
- SolarBeam
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse

Houndoom is just one of those megas that everyone kind've put out of their minds when it was released. Being overshadowed by the likes of Kangashkahn and Charizard. It has proven itself on teams without Sun, so I thought "It's ability is so good, why is it not on sun teams? It should be". Basic coverage and hits literally almost everything neutrally. It gets a gigantic boost in Sp. Atk and Speed when it megas so it's a definate thumbs up!

Ninetales @ Heat Rock
Ability: Drought
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 HP / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- SolarBeam
- Flamethrower
- Nasty Plot
- Will-O-Wisp

My Sun guy, he keeps sun out for a long time, and since you only use 4 Pokemon in VGC there is no reason in not putting heat rock on it to keep out sun for almost the entire time (games are kinda short). Nasty Plot for sticky situations and Will-O-Wisp because I didn't know what else to throw on there. No need to put into speed since he won't be outspeeding much anytime soon and you want to win the weather war if need be. All-in-all great Pokemon for this kind of team.

Charizard @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Solar Power
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 64 Spd / 252 SAtk / 192 HP
Modest Nature
- Air Slash
- Fire Blast
- SolarBeam
- Heat Wave

At 64 Spd Scarf Charizard outspeeds Greninja by exactly 1 point. That's the only reason it is scarfed really. SolarBeam as always because it gets charged in one turn. Heat Wave hits both Pokemon and with a Sun Boost It isn't half bad. Air Slash is coverage and Fire Blast is like your last ditch effort if you know you're going to die. Solar Power is basically a Life Orb too so it's pretty much a double item Charizard.

I have no clue what else to add! I was using Snorlax, but I don't know what should fill the last two slots. Please Help!
RE: XY VGC Sun Team

Idea ATA for at least 1 of them maybe 2 in a later post if I think of one but here it is and don't laugh I`ll explain more below.

Wash Rotom @ Expert Belt
Abillity: Levitate
Shiny: If Needed/Wanted
EV`s: Sp. Attack 252/ Sp. Defense 126/ Speed 126
Bold Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Confuse Ray
- Electro Ball
You may need something to counter the rock and water your three attacking fire types are weak to plus it could be used as a quick hit and run tactic when needed.
RE: XY VGC Sun Team

Check said:
Idea ATA for at least 1 of them maybe 2 in a later post if I think of one but here it is and don't laugh I`ll explain more below.

Wash Rotom @ Expert Belt
Abillity: Levitate
Shiny: If Needed/Wanted
EV`s: Sp. Attack 252/ Sp. Defense 126/ Speed 126
Bold Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Volt Switch
- Confuse Ray
- Electro Ball
You may need something to counter the rock and water your three attacking fire types are weak to plus it could be used as a quick hit and run tactic when needed.

I like the idea, but I probably will lose the Electro Ball (not that great against most things).
RE: XY VGC Sun Team

Um dude when X and Y come out it goes to national poke`dex for if it did not there would be words said and feelings hurt at least they should do the national dex.
RE: XY VGC Sun Team

I don't know about the majority of people in the world, but in accordance to Serebii.net POTW (Pokemon Of the Week), It is the best non-legendary in the game. Period. Here's the link: http://serebii.net/potw-xy/257.shtml

That page give a few ideas for non-mega and mega evolutions. If it would work better on my team (see thread "6th Gen. Sandstorm - Trick Room") I would include it. Hands down.

Also to the remark about Ninetails not available; when Bank comes out, although you will not be able to use any previous Pokemon, you can still breed for a new Vulpix, which will be fully usable.

As we go back to the Idea of this Sun team, I would say this: only have like two Fire Type Pokemon. In the previous generations, Sun was typically used as a weather changer. Now with the limit to five turns as opposed to the previous infinite loop, it will be even more so. I would suggest you keep the Venusaur, but you might want to reconsider Charizard. It is 4* weak to rock, one of the most popular types in competitive play. That also means that it's going to get it's HP cut in half if you switch into Stealth Rocks. Food for thought.
RE: XY VGC Sun Team

If you never use Giga Drain on Venasaur and you have Synthesis, try Spore Sleep Powder. It can stop threats after Sun is out and gives another option to your Venasaur's arsenal. It also forces your opponent to sacrifice or make risky switch ins.
RE: XY VGC Sun Team

Your team is begging to be swept by anything with Rock Slide, with 75% of your team weak to it (Earthquake also sucks for your team as well). Also, VGC teams don't use a 4 Pokemon team rule. They use the system of "Bring 6. Pick 4". So it is in your best interest to fill up those last two slots.

Don't use Nasty Plot on your Ninetales as you will die before you can set up and attack. Protect would be better.

I would suggest Hitmontop instead of Charizard. It resists Rock Slide, and can also use Wide Guard to support the rest of your team from avoiding Rock Slide and Earthquake. Fake Out is also really useful on it to reduce the damage you take, and Intimidate is also really awesome in doubles.

As your team uses a lot of fast Pokemon (Mega Houndoom and Chlorophyll Venusaur), having something to stop Trick Room from activating would be a massive help. I will suggest Imprison+Trick Room Musharna, who can use Imprison on Trick Room Pokemon to stop them from using the move. It can also use Helping Hand to support your attackers further.

@RogueChomp: Venusaur doesn't learn Spore.
RE: XY VGC Sun Team

This is VGC right?

If so, both Ninetales and Blaziken are illegal, so those are out. iirc the only droughter in VGC is Charizard Y, so you might want to switch you mega to that if you still want to do sun.
I'm just changing it to doubles to keep the ninetales
what hitmontop set would you recommend to *add* to the team, I need charizard right now.
@Freezing Blizzard, there's one problem that the Serebii spotlight completely skimmed over that is a huge hurdle for Blaziken:


With 2 Flying weaknesses and nothing here that can really take a Brave Bird, you're just leaving yourself open to getting roflstomped by this thing.

On that note, I'd strongly agree with Check's suggestion for Rotom-W, but with a set more along the lines of:

Rotom-W@Assault Vest
Nature could vary. I like Modest.
252 HP/whatever mix of Def and SpA you want
Charge Beam
Hydro Pump
Hidden Power Ice/Thunderbolt

and for the sixth slot, maybe a Gliscor for that OP Earthquake/Discharge combo.

As a note, Rotom could also be replaced with Zapdos, but then you have that annoying Rock Slide weakness and lose the resistance to Flare Blitz