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Alt. Format XY-On: Anti-Meta (Vespiqueen / Flareon)

OP might have meant Acro Bike instead of Bicycle, which is arguably better for this deck anyways.
Hope you're still there OP. Interested in this deck myself. Few of my opinions:

Trainers Mail or Acro Bike? Trainers Mail makes the deck more consistent, and helps you if you can't find a supporter for the turn. Acro Bike is good for pure milling, powers up Vespi faster. Although decking out is a real possibility, meaning you can't go braindead milling without it potentially coming back to hurt you.

Are 2 Vaporeon needed? Not sure if Water hits anything too relevant. Could cut 1 Vap and 1 Water Energy for something.

Sacred Ash is good here. Gives you more room for error when discarding with Battle Compressor and grabs back Vespiqueen since it's your main attacker. Playing Flareon I'd always find scenarios where you couldn't get every Flareon into play (prized/discarded/ko). I'd try:

-1 Vaporeon
-1 Water Energy

+1 Sacred Ash
+ 1 Trainer's Mail / Acro Bike / Giant Plant Forest

Trainer's Mail /Acro Bike for consistency. Plant Forest could be good to get Vespi out T2 and pressure hard. The Pokemon line seems small, ideally you hit for weakness and will only have to discard half as many Pokemon though.
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