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Alt. Format XY-On: M Tryanitar EX / Golbat

Dan Flavin

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 16
  • 3-3 M Tryanitar EX
  • 3-3 Golbat
  • 3 Yveltal (XY)
  • 1 Wailord EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33
  • 3 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 AZ
  • 3 Mega Turbo
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 3 Repeat Ball
  • 2 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Battle Compressor
  • 1 Trainers Mail
  • 3 Hard Charm
  • 2 EXP. Share
  • 2 Lucky Helmet
  • 1 Tool Retriever
Energies: 11
  • 7 Dark Energy
  • 4 DCE

This deck uses Wailord EX as a wall to stall for the two turns necessary to power up a M Tyranitar EX, then uses exp share to transfer power to the next Tyranitar, then uses Yveltal to charge the final Tyranitar, attempting to force a seven prize game. All the while using Golbat to add the two damage counters necessary for Tyranitar to OHKO any pokemon.

Any advice would be appreciated

Nice idea, but I do have a few suggestions.

-1 Wailord-EX
-2 Level Ball
-1 Repeat Ball
-1 Hard Charm
-2 Double Colorless Energy

+1 Crobat
+1 Tool Retriever
+1 Ultra Ball
+2 Professor's Letter
+2 Tyranitar Spirit Link

I think it would be better to start with a Yveltal than a Wailord, because it's still a fairly bulky starter at 130 HP, plus you'll power up Destroyer King faster. The only use of Level Ball is to search out Zubat and Golbat, which is still good (hence the keeping of one Level Ball), but it can also be done with Ultra Ball and Repeat Ball. I added an Ultra Ball because -- combined with Professor's Letter -- you can get any Pokemon and get Darkness Energy in the discard, which is where you want it with your high count of Mega Turbo and Yveltal. I removed a Hard Charm because I thought the deck was a little tool heavy, especially with Tool Retriever. I felt 4 Double Colorless Energy wasn't necessary because Basic Energy is safer, and since you're idealy setting up on the bench the speed added by DCE isn't as imperative. The one Crobat is just an emergency option for situations where you need the damage and you only have one benched Zubat/Golbat (it also gives the OHKO on a Hard Charmed Wailord-EX). Lastly, the Spirit Links help you set up a turn faster by allowing an extra Oblivion Wing.