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Alt. Format XY-On: Raichu / Crobat


Pokemon: 27
  • 4 Pikachu XY
  • 4 Raichu XY
  • 1 Feebas PRC
  • 1 Milotic PRC
  • 2 Vulpix PRC
  • 2 Ninetales PRC
  • 4 Shaymin EX
  • 4 Zubat PHF
  • 3 Golbat PHF
  • 2 Crobat PHF
Items/Supporters/Stadiums: 29
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Shauna
  • 1 Hex Maniac
  • 1 Lysandre
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Teammates
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 4 VS Seeker
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 1 Sacred Ash
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 3 Sky Field
Energy: 4
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy

Pretty self-explanatory at this point, swarm as many Pokemon as you can as fast as you can, using Sky Field to extend the bench and hit for 160-180 with Banded Raichu. It can be a little inconsistent at times, but it's hard to remove any Pokemon since they're vital to the deck's strategy. I also would like room for Super Scoop Up, but I have no idea what to remove.

Silent Lab is tech'd in for Aegislash EX and certain decks that I can OHKO without Sky Field. With Ninetales it creates a nice lock against opposing Shaymins, and I can AZ my Ninetales if I absolutely need to play Sky Field and/or Shaymins. Milotic is to get back DCE if I need to, and cards like Sacred Ash that I might need to discard early on.
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Pretty solid list, just add some shauna or birch to help you draw cards without discarding anything. You can remove a couple ultra or level ball for scoop ups, too.
Nice list, I have a couple suggestions. First, I love Milotic PRC in DCE decks but I would choose either Milotic or Ninetails to keep in as a 2-2 line and ditch the other. If you get rid of Milotic, you can use Bunnelby PRC to recover DCE's (2 DCEs back in deck with one attack). You might want to get rid of just one of the Balls. Right now there are 4 of each of Level Ball and Ultra Ball and I feel is just a tiny bit excessive. You should use Hex Maniac instead of Silent Lab, IMO. That way, you can still one shot an Aegislash EX, whereas using Silent Lab you don't have enough bench Pokemon to do so.
Recommended changes
-1 Ultra/Level Ball (your preference)
-2 Feebas
-1 Milotic PRC
-2 Silent Lab

+1/2 Hex Maniac
+1 Bunnelby PRC (AT)
+2/3 Shauna
+1 Switch/Escape Rope
Pretty solid list, just add some shauna or birch to help you draw cards without discarding anything. You can remove a couple ultra or level ball for scoop ups, too.

Thank you for the suggestions. Seems like a plan, although I'm wondering if I should cut Scoop Up altogether. It's such a hard card to decide, I'm always 50/50 on it since it's so good if it hits, and so bad if it doesn't. I think I'll leave it out for now, since I find myself discarding it with Ultra Ball a lot of the times.

Nice list, I have a couple suggestions. First, I love Milotic PRC in DCE decks but I would choose either Milotic or Ninetails to keep in as a 2-2 line and ditch the other. If you get rid of Milotic, you can use Bunnelby PRC to recover DCE's (2 DCEs back in deck with one attack). You might want to get rid of just one of the Balls. Right now there are 4 of each of Level Ball and Ultra Ball and I feel is just a tiny bit excessive. You should use Hex Maniac instead of Silent Lab, IMO. That way, you can still one shot an Aegislash EX, whereas using Silent Lab you don't have enough bench Pokemon to do so.
Recommended changes
-1 Ultra/Level Ball (your preference)
-2 Feebas
-1 Milotic PRC
-2 Silent Lab

+1/2 Hex Maniac
+1 Bunnelby PRC (AT)
+2/3 Shauna
+1 Switch/Escape Rope

I didn't think about Hex Maniac since I've been testing on tcgone.net, but that's a great idea. I do like the Milotic since it doesn't take my attack, and it goes straight to my hand, so I'm not sure about cutting that. I do agree about the other changes though, how's this taking into account both of your suggestions:

-1 Ultra Ball
-2 Silent Lab
-1 Feebas

+1 Hex Maniac
+2 Shauna
+1 Escape Rope