XY4 Phantom Gate + Hyper Metal Chain Deck Coming to Japan in September! [6/23]

Pikachu6319 said:
And we don't know if there are other megas to be revealed in OR/AS. Though let's not forget that officially (IIRC) M Latias and M Latios haven't been revealed. And personally I hope M Sceptile gets a grass and a dragon type...after all dragon is still a pretty small group in TCG.

Hey, if some of this is steel based I wonder if we'll get a steel version of Klefki. Personally I love seeing dual type Pokemon get represented both ways (also hoping our Rising Fist gives us the fairy Dedenned that Japan got as a promo when X/Y collection was released to go with the electric Dedenne, and that Pangoro's fighting version that promos in Japan makes it into our american set).

You know I have to wonder...

For the regular holos in Rising Fist, a couple of Pokemon were in the set as holos as their other type. I think for this, we might see something similar like Starmie holo with it being water-type, perhaps Gardy as a non-ex fairy, Gallade as a fighting-type, etc.
As far as I get, all pokémon that change type upon Mega-evolving will have their new type featured in the Mega card. Because it's the new thing about them, they won't waste that... So, Mega Ampharos will probably be Dragon, Gyarados be Dark, etc. The only exception may be Mega Pinsir because Colorless is always the black sheep of TCG types... The only pokémon to be featured as Colorless as much as its other type have been Lugia and Aerodactyl to a certain extent...

btw, Tyranitar beats the other Dark Megas by miles when it comes to be the mascot for a Dark-themed set...
If ghosts gets a new type rather than staying with psychic or moving to another type like dark, I would go NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

If someone designed the TCG to have all 18 types from the video games, then they obviously don't know how to design and develop the TCG.

Could you imaging for a 100 card set, how many cards of one certain type there will be if there were all 18 types + trainers and energy?

That's 5 cards per set provided they do each equally. It also means that if there needs to be more than 5 cards per type, it means that another type has to be underrepresented, and that is a bad thing.

I really hope that the people who make this game in Japan don't do something stupid and add another type to the TCG. We already have 9 types that use their own energy, one type that uses multi energy, and one type that uses any energy already. The game doesn't need any more.

What I like to see is for them to design the game with limited such as sealed deck and drafting in mind. If they add more types to the TCG, the more likely it would be impossible to draft and do sealed deck with Pokemon TCG.
Of all the types in the game, Ghost would be the only one I'd want to split off into their own type?

Why? Because there are so few of the things. It would be a perfect change to bring back the old "this Pokemon has no basic energy" thing that Dark and Steel had going on until DP. Unlike Dark and Steel, which quickly became mundane after a few gens, Ghosts have always been kind of a strange type that rarely gets used.
I don't think adding another type to the TCG is really necessary. Now what should really be done, is finally give Dragon's their own type of energy. There is absolutely no reason to give them multi-type energy costs. Maybe they thought they would be overpowered, but that really isn't the case (except for maybe Black Kyrurem EX).
Does anyone know if the fighting Pangoro that was a promo in Japan for this set is holo or not?

The reason I ask is because if we assume this Pangoro is going to become a regular card in our set and if it's holo in Japan it might wind up as an 'extra' holo in our set.

By the by, I am praying for a non ex holo fairy Gardevoir.

Metalizard, if you're right about things like Mega Ampharos being Dragon or Mega Gyarados being Dark, then by that logic Mega Tyranitar might be Fightng type.
Pikachu6319 said:
Metalizard, if you're right about things like Mega Ampharos being Dragon or Mega Gyarados being Dark, then by that logic Mega Tyranitar might be Fightng type.
While a Fighting-type Tyranitar certainly is possible, that logic differs from Metalizard's. Metalizard was focused on the Pokémon whose types change upon Mega Evolving; Mega Tyranitar keeps the same typing as Tyranitar.

Now that it's been further discussed, I think a Metal Mega Pokémon is most probable for XY4 (although reasoning behind other types has been pretty solid, too). What makes me wonder most is the time frame of Megas in the TCG -- at the current rate, it'll take a decent while to give each Mega Evolution a card. TPCi seems to treat Megas as new Pokémon, so I can't imagine they'd skip any, but who knows? They're a constant source of surprise.
Well as I've said before if there are two per set and we don't include any that will show up in OR/AS it would be like fifteen sets before we got all the megas. If we factored in the OR/AS megas we'd be pretty close to twenty sets. Someone did suggest the idea we might get a set for this similar to Dragon's Vault, though I find that idea kind of unlikely because we'd be looking at an EX for the Pokemon plus a Mega form.

I still find it more likely to have a M Gyarados as a water type than a dark type though. M Ampharos might be dragon, or have both an electric and a dragon, but only because of the attempts being made to expand the dragon archetype in the ccg.
^I would love to see dual-type cards again... But Megas take so many card space, I find it hard to happen (for Megas at least)...

As for the number of Megas per set, well, they might make a set with more than 2 megas in the far future when they see the time is running out for the current generation, specially if it's a dual set (although X collection and Y collection only got 1 each)... For example, when shinies returned in Psycho Drive/Hail Blizzard, the standard was 2 shinies per each sub set, 3 for a normal set... In Spiral Force / Thunder Knuckle, each sub set had 3 shinies and Megalo Cannon (a "single" set) had 4... So, again, they may increase the number over time...
Honestly I would love if they made all 18 types available in the TCG for no other reason than it would actually force them to have a bigger variety of Pokemon in each set rather than falling back on the same Pokemon we see over and over.
Frost said:
Honestly I would love if they made all 18 types available in the TCG for no other reason than it would actually force them to have a bigger variety of Pokemon in each set rather than falling back on the same Pokemon we see over and over.

This would be the end of the TCG as we know it then!
With each set having about 100 cards, each typing would have 5 cards... Wow, thats maybe 1-2 evolution lines and a basic?
Not really much to play a deck with.

Dragon beeing a seperate tying was kinda needed, because they always where colorless which was more of normal/flying than dragon itself in the presention.

The idear of ppl that ghost might getting their own card catagorie is a bit fare fetched.
Ofc there are energy types which are 3 game types but they kinda make sense to me, to "combine" those.
You also need to see this in the context of the first Gen and their amount of types and how it would make sense to split. ;)
They could technically do all eighteen types, but to do so they would have to triple the amount of cards per set. Really to do so they'd have to scrap the Pokemon tcg as we know it and make a Pokemon tcg 2.0. I'm sure that would bring a bunch of other changes to the game and honestly I think a lot of players would probably just leave. Better to keep the game as it is.
Just a prediction, but for the Hyper Metal Chain Deck they could do 2 types per deck( example, dialga's deck with metal and lightning types).
( assuming dialga and aegislash deck are separate)
Predicted Dialga Deck cards



Aegislash Deck Cards


I could easily see M Banette appearing in this set, but that would make two ghost Megas... Gardevoir would be a nice choice as a Fairy, Another choice might be Mawile, as a Fairy, or more likely, Metal. I mean, the set IS Phantom GATE, and what are gates made of? Metal.
Well by that logic it could M. Aggron too, he goes to pure steel with mega evolution.

To my mind it's not as crucial as it is with Gardevoir, but if they were to do a M. Mawile as a fairy type, it shouldn't be done before we get a regular fairy type Mawile.