I agree, but at least they made a reprint of a card that people really likeThe most disappointing thing about seeing Hawlucha as the other promo is they were doing pretty good with the last two sets in having all new cards. Potential trend broken. Oh well.
Is Jirachi better than Porygon-Z?,and if Beeheyem BREAK will not be on the Official set of Break Through,this will be a promo card.What's nice about Jirachi:
- You can attack continuously. You're opponent might run out of special energy
- You're invulnerable during your next turn. A great way to buy time after one of your Pokemon has been knocked out.
- The attack costs only one colorless, you can fit this card into any deck.
- Easy to get on your bench
- You can run out of cards like Enhanced Hammer. Or you can't play them.
- Assault Vest only lessens damage, and you can't attach any other tools to your pokemon.
- Who doesn't love Jirachi? (Rhetorical Qeustion)
Is Jirachi better than Porygon-Z?,and if Beeheyem BREAK will not be on the Official set of Break Through,this will be a promo card.
This Jirachi might be a good counter against Vespiquen and Night March in decks that struggle against them.
On another note, I wish they would have made it weak to fighting. Gengar and Wobufet/bats are still really good decks. With these card still in heavy play I can see this card getting smashed against those decks. With a weakness to fighting you would be dealing with the Machamp and Lacario. I think I'd perfer to take my chances against those decks than a Gengar and Wobofet/Bats deck. But that is just me.
It is just a thought because one of the mewtwo charges is fighting. Currently he is weak to psychic. I thought it would be interesting to make him weak to fighting. Like the new Palka will be weak to grass.I'm a bit confused here, how can a Psychic/Fighting Pokémon be weak to Fighting? Mewtwo's only weaknesses in the games are Flying, Ghost and Fairy, so a Fighting-weak Mewtwo would make literally no sense.
It is just a thought because one of the mewtwo charges is fighting. Currently he is weak to psychic. I thought it would be interesting to make him weak to fighting. Like the new Palka will be weak to grass.
Well, the current Palkia from the Legendary Holo Collection is weak to grass because it is printed as a water type, since Palkia is Water/Dragon in the videogame canon. Mega Mewtwo X is Psychic/Fighting in the videogames, so if anything Mewtwo's type would have been changed to Fighting over Psychic, not the weakness. Even as a fighting type, would still be weak to Psychic.