Friend Code: 3093-7565-7787
Looking for battles: Yes
Time Zone: EST
Times Available: 12 PM - 12 AM
Looking for battles: Yes
Time Zone: EST
Times Available: 12 PM - 12 AM
Because of an incident that happened to me involving hacked Pokemon, I will not accept these events. I have found that any Pokemon with dates that match up these Pokemon were created with a cheating device.
Pokemon Name: Torchic
ID: ???
Date: 10/12/2013
Pokemon Name: Espeon
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 1/5/2014
Pokemon Name: Umbreon
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 12/26/2013
Pokemon Name: Pikachu
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 2/13/2014
Pokemon Name: Glaceon
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 10/27/2013
Pokemon Name: Sylveon
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 10/20/2013
Pokemon Name: Garchomp
OT: コロコロ
ID: 11153
Date: 11/16/2013
Pokemon Name: Charizard
OT: コロコロ
ID: 03154
Dates: 3/18/2014 - 3/28/2014 - 4/11/2014
Pokemon Name: Garchomp
ID: 11153
Date: 12/29/2013
Pokemon Name: Scizor
ID: 11153
Date: 1/27/2014
Pokemon Name: Inkay
ID: 11223
Date: 1/5/2014
Pokemon Name: Wobbuffet
OT: ヌケッタ
ID: 12063
Date: 12/15/2013
Pokemon Name: Gengar
OT: ポケセン
ID: 02014
Date: 2/1/2014
Pokemon Name: Scizor
OT: ポケセン
ID: 02014
Date: 2/1/2014
Pokemon Name: Electabuzz
OT: Spring 2014
ID: ???
Date: 4/18/2014
Pokemon Name: Magmar
OT: Spring 2014
ID: ???
Date: 4/18/2014
Pokemon Name: Darkrai
OT: ふしぎのくに
ID: 04194
Date: 4/21/2014
ID: ???
Date: 10/12/2013
Pokemon Name: Espeon
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 1/5/2014
Pokemon Name: Umbreon
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 12/26/2013
Pokemon Name: Pikachu
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 2/13/2014
Pokemon Name: Glaceon
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 10/27/2013
Pokemon Name: Sylveon
OT: ポケセン♪
ID: 10123
Date: 10/20/2013
Pokemon Name: Garchomp
OT: コロコロ
ID: 11153
Date: 11/16/2013
Pokemon Name: Charizard
OT: コロコロ
ID: 03154
Dates: 3/18/2014 - 3/28/2014 - 4/11/2014
Pokemon Name: Garchomp
ID: 11153
Date: 12/29/2013
Pokemon Name: Scizor
ID: 11153
Date: 1/27/2014
Pokemon Name: Inkay
ID: 11223
Date: 1/5/2014
Pokemon Name: Wobbuffet
OT: ヌケッタ
ID: 12063
Date: 12/15/2013
Pokemon Name: Gengar
OT: ポケセン
ID: 02014
Date: 2/1/2014
Pokemon Name: Scizor
OT: ポケセン
ID: 02014
Date: 2/1/2014
Pokemon Name: Electabuzz
OT: Spring 2014
ID: ???
Date: 4/18/2014
Pokemon Name: Magmar
OT: Spring 2014
ID: ???
Date: 4/18/2014
Pokemon Name: Darkrai
OT: ふしぎのくに
ID: 04194
Date: 4/21/2014
Metagross x 6
Dragonite x 7
Tyranitar x 10
Garchomp x 3
Dragonite x 7
Tyranitar x 10
Garchomp x 3
Scizor x 7
Gothorita x 7
Gothorita x 7
Ho-Oh x 3
Landorus x 3
Giratina x 3
Tornadus x 3
Dialga x 3
Palkia x 3
Thundurus x 3
Lugia x 3
Landorus x 3
Giratina x 3
Tornadus x 3
Dialga x 3
Palkia x 3
Thundurus x 3
Lugia x 3
Togekiss x 5
Flareon x 3
Espeon x 4
Espeon x 4
TRU Arceus x 6
TRU Manaphy x 5
TRU Dragonite x 7
2011WIN Darkrai x 8
2011HVR Darkrai x 8
Regigigas x 5
TRU Manaphy x 5
TRU Dragonite x 7
2011WIN Darkrai x 8
2011HVR Darkrai x 8
Regigigas x 5
Arceus x 5
Mew x 3
Mew x 3
Mew x 2
ANA Darkrai x 5
Heatran x 9
Dexoys x 4
Dexoys x 4
Bulbasaur x 5
Charmander x 5
Squirtle x 7
Charmander x 5
Squirtle x 7
WCS Eevee x 5
VGC09 Milotic x 5
VGE 2012 Larvitar x 5
TCGWC Pikachu x 5
WORLD08 Lucario x 5
WORLD09 Weavile x 5
WORLD11 Scrafty x 4
WORLD12 Pikachu x 6
Ray's Metagross (Needs Cloned) x 1
Toler's Ludicolo (Needs Cloned) x 1
Abram's Cloyster (Needs Cloned) x 1
VGC09 Milotic x 5
VGE 2012 Larvitar x 5
TCGWC Pikachu x 5
WORLD08 Lucario x 5
WORLD09 Weavile x 5
WORLD11 Scrafty x 4
WORLD12 Pikachu x 6
Ray's Metagross (Needs Cloned) x 1
Toler's Ludicolo (Needs Cloned) x 1
Abram's Cloyster (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Movie 08 Shaymin (Needs Cloned) x 1
Movie 11 Shaymin x 5
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Victini x 10
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Zekrom x 7
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Reshiram x 7
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Hydregion x 5
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Golurk x 5
Korean Home Plus Darkrai x 6
Japanese Pokémon Movie 11 Golurk (Needs Cloned) x 1
Japnese Pokémon Movie 13 Genesect (Needs Cloned) x 1
Japanese Pokémon Movie 13 Mewtwo (Needs Cloned) x 1
Event11 Zoroark x 5
EUETE09 Regigigas x 5
English Movie14 Victini (Needs Cloned) x 1
Movie 11 Shaymin x 5
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Victini x 10
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Zekrom x 7
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Reshiram x 7
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Hydregion x 5
Korean Pokémon Movie 11 Golurk x 5
Korean Home Plus Darkrai x 6
Japanese Pokémon Movie 11 Golurk (Needs Cloned) x 1
Japnese Pokémon Movie 13 Genesect (Needs Cloned) x 1
Japanese Pokémon Movie 13 Mewtwo (Needs Cloned) x 1
Event11 Zoroark x 5
EUETE09 Regigigas x 5
English Movie14 Victini (Needs Cloned) x 1
Victini x 4
Pikachu x 6
Lucario x 3
Manaphy x 5
2010 Birthday Chimchar x 8
Pokémon Center Eevee x 4
Pokémon Center Shaymin x 4
Pokémon Center Snivy x 4
Pokémon Center Garchomp x 5
Pokémon Center Bullet Pikachu (shiny) x 8
Pokémon Center Bullet Pikachu (not-shiny) x 5
Pokémon Center Horsea x 5
Pokémon Center Swablu x 5
Pokémon Center Bagon x 5
Pokémon Center Druddigon x 5
Pokémon Center Trapinch x 6
Pokémon Center Deino x 5
Pokémon Center Lucario x 5
Pokémon Center Dragonite x 5
Pokémon Center Metagross x 5
Pokémon Center Groudon x 3
Pokémon Center Tryanitar x 7
Pokémon Center Kyorge x 3
Pokémon Center Empoleon x 3
Pokémon Center Shiny Magikarp x 3
Pokémon Center Serperior x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center 15th Pikachu x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Torterra x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Infernape x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Emboar x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Samurott x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Scizor x 3
2010 Birthday Audino x 6
Pokémon Center Eevee x 4
Pokémon Center Shaymin x 4
Pokémon Center Snivy x 4
Pokémon Center Garchomp x 5
Pokémon Center Bullet Pikachu (shiny) x 8
Pokémon Center Bullet Pikachu (not-shiny) x 5
Pokémon Center Horsea x 5
Pokémon Center Swablu x 5
Pokémon Center Bagon x 5
Pokémon Center Druddigon x 5
Pokémon Center Trapinch x 6
Pokémon Center Deino x 5
Pokémon Center Lucario x 5
Pokémon Center Dragonite x 5
Pokémon Center Metagross x 5
Pokémon Center Groudon x 3
Pokémon Center Tryanitar x 7
Pokémon Center Kyorge x 3
Pokémon Center Empoleon x 3
Pokémon Center Shiny Magikarp x 3
Pokémon Center Serperior x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center 15th Pikachu x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Torterra x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Infernape x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Emboar x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Samurott x 1 (Needs Cloned) x 1
Pokémon Center Scizor x 3
2010 Birthday Audino x 6
Anorith x 4
Archen x 4
Cranidos x 4
Kabuto x 5
Lileep x 4
Omanyte x 4
Sheildon x 4
Tirtouga x 4
Aerodactyl x 5
Archen x 4
Cranidos x 4
Kabuto x 5
Lileep x 4
Omanyte x 4
Sheildon x 4
Tirtouga x 4
Aerodactyl x 5
Hayley's Mew x 4
Hayley's Phione x 3
Hayley's Phione x 3
PCNY'd Altaria x 5
Korean Scarggy x 5
Pokémon Smash! Cubchoo x 8
Pokémon Smash! Mewtwo x 5
Milos Island Thundurus x 8
Milos Island Tornadus x 8
Nobunaga's Black Rayquaza x 11
Team Rocket's Meowth x 6
Recital Piplup x 6
Decolora Jirachi (Needs Cloned) x 1
Masuda Dexoys x 3
NZ Jirachi x 5
Pokémon Smash! Mewtwo x 5
Milos Island Thundurus x 8
Milos Island Tornadus x 8
Nobunaga's Black Rayquaza x 11
Team Rocket's Meowth x 6
Recital Piplup x 6
Decolora Jirachi (Needs Cloned) x 1
Masuda Dexoys x 3
NZ Jirachi x 5
Black & White - 1st Anniversary Mewtwo x 8
Plasma Genesect x 5
1st Anniversary Reshiram x 5
1st Anniversary Zekrom x 5
Plasma Dexoys x 6
Dark Explorers Tie-in Darkrai x 3
Plasma Genesect x 5
1st Anniversary Reshiram x 5
1st Anniversary Zekrom x 5
Plasma Dexoys x 6
Dark Explorers Tie-in Darkrai x 3
Gamestop (US) Meloetta x 14
Gamestop Promotion Keldeo x 4
Gamestop Giveaway Celebi x 3
Gamestop Deoxys x 10
Shiny Suicine x 5
Shiny Raikou x 5
Shiny Entei x 8
Jirachi x 4
Mew x 3
Gamestop Promotion Keldeo x 4
Gamestop Giveaway Celebi x 3
Gamestop Deoxys x 10
Shiny Suicine x 5
Shiny Raikou x 5
Shiny Entei x 8
Jirachi x 4
Mew x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Gardevoir x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Salamence x 5
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Metagross x 5
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Walrein x 5
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Ludicolo x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Milotic x 5
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Swampert x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Blaziken x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Sceptile x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Salamence x 5
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Metagross x 5
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Walrein x 5
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Ludicolo x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Milotic x 5
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Swampert x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Blaziken x 3
Kyushu Trains (not-shiny) Sceptile x 3
Jirachi x 15
Celebi x 4
Charizard x 2
I can now clone Pokemon, however I am still new at it. I believe I got the timing down but I don't want to take the risk of losing a Pokemon in the process. So if you want a Pokemon cloned, I will try my best to ensure its safety. I use the old cloning method, so no "Power Saver" use happens in this shop. By the way, these Pokemon were not made shiny via the "Power Saver" Action Reply. All these Pokemon are either 5 IVs or 6 IVs.
Cloning Service
Trading cloning:
If you would like, while we are trading, I can clone your Pokemon and then send it back to you. I ask only that you let me include your name as a positive cloning reference.
As payment, I request that I am allowed to make a copy for myself, if that is okay with you though. I would also appreciate if you would post on this thread after the successful cloning.
If you wish to see a list of my generation six events and competitive shinies look here:
My Pokemon Lists - Spread Sheets