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Yanmega/Magnezone for Grinders (Worlds)


Aspiring Trainer
Strategy : Early beats with Yanmega keeps you ahead in the prize race, meanwhile building Magnezone as a mid game finisher. Tyrogue for Cleffa's, also removed the Kingdra line due to inconsistent draws. Ultimately, I want a more stream lined, consistent deck for the grinders before worlds since it is single elimination.

Deck list I'm working on for the Grinder for Worlds this Friday, please give me any constructive feed back you can! Thank you.

Yanmega / Magnezone


3 Yanmega
4 Yanma
3 Magnezone
1 Magneton
3 Magnemite
1 Cleffa CL
1 Tyrogue CL
2 Pachirisu CL
1 Shaymin UL


3 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
2 Switch
3 Pokemon Reversal


4 Judge
4 CopyCat
4 Pokemon Collector
1 Flower Shop Lady
1 Seeker

10 {L}
2 Rescue Energy

60 Total
RE: Yanmega/Magnezone

This deck needs some work.

Let's start with the Pokemon: running a 1-1-1 of Kingdra is okay, but I'm not sure it is a good choice, considering if any one of those cards is prized, you can't play it. Try bumping up your lines.Yanmega should be 4-4, and Kingdra should be 2-1-2. I'm not exactly sure if you need a starter, but oh well. Manaphy isn't great for this deck because it requires an energy to use Deep Sea Swirl. Starting Yanma is fine, but if you want Cleffa, then that's fine. Be careful with Pachirisu, since it's a free prize on a Reversal flip most of the time.

For the energy count, it looks fine, though I might consider a Rainbow/Water energy so you can use Kingdra against Donphan. I might drop 2 Lightning energy for some more T/S/S, which will be explained soon.

Your T/S/S line should be 4 Judge and 4 Copycat, no exceptions. One of those Lightning energies should suffice for a Judge, and Flower Shop Lady is often a dead draw. By the time you've lost all four Yanmegas, you've either won, lost, or still fighting it out with Magnezone. I'd drop it for that extra Yanmega. I'm not too experienced with MegaZone + Kingdra, but to me your T/S/S is fine other than the few changes I made.

So, let's see the changes I made:

- 1 Flower Shop Lady
- 2 Lightning Energy
- 1 Pachirisu(I decided to drop this: reason being is because by the time you start attacking with Magnezone, you should have enough energy on the field to sweep; that's just me)

+ 1 Yanmega Prime
+ 1 - 0 - 1 Kingdra Prime
+ 1 Judge

I would find room for one Water/Rainbow Energy to take care of Donphan(for a while, at least). If I were you, I'd drop a Reversal(because it can be re-used with Junk Arm), but again, that's just me.

Hope this helped. (make sure you include a strategy; T-King gets really angry when people don't have a strategy or the set #s for the Basic Pokemon *glares at T-King*) Angry? Oh yea, I get REALLY angry when I see people break a minor rule on a Pokemon Forum. And then I have to take an ENTIRE two minutes of my time to act about it. Yes, I erupt. /sarcasm [TK]
Hope this helped. (make sure you include a strategy; T-King gets really angry when people don't have a strategy or the set #s for the Basic Pokemon *glares at T-King*)

...both of you have problems. No. Just no. EVERYONE calls me special. I don't have problems :I /sarcasm again [TK]

2-1-2 Kingdra is fine by the way.
I'd probably go for a 2nd Switch. Having Zone stuck in the active spot can be quite annoying if he has 0 energy on him.
The 4th Pokemon Communication is also useful, probably more useful than 8 Judges/Copycats. So yeah, I'd take out 2 Copycats.
(Inb4 people telling me he uses Copycat for Yanmega: thanks. I'm not stupid.)
^I don't get it. How do I have problems? All I said was to include the strategy and the set #s. Banned for taking things literally. [TK]

Also, why did the OP take out Kingdra? I just noticed it, and I thought Kingdra was good for this deck. I agree with StealthAngel's suggestions, having Zone in the Active with no energies is quite annoying.

Edit: Oh, I see why. Dead draws. But I still don't think you should take it out for Babies.
From the list up there, here's what I'd do:

-1 Cleffa will make you lose a prize almost guarenteed
-1 Tyrogue see above
-1 Shaymin Magnezone can LZ Pachi's energy so you don't need this
-2 PONT you already have 4 Judge and 4 Copycat, that's enough

+2 Junk Arm staple card, must be maxed
+1 Pokemon Communication see above
+2 PlusPower necessary to let you get KOs on stuff easier
after a lot of thinking on my grinder build i realized that grinders decks CANNOT and WILL NOT get donked.
-1 cleffa
-1 tyrogue
+1 manaphy
+1 smeargle

What this means is that you will have two pokemon who can start the game without you getting donked.