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Yanmega Prime (Masters, Any)


Aspiring Trainer
4 Yanmega Prime TM
4 Yanma TM
2 Sunflora HGSS
2 Sunkern HGSS
4 Smeargle UD
1 Shaymin Lv. X PL
1 Shaymin UD
1 Metapod HGSS
1 Caterpie HGSS
2 Jumpluff HGSS
2 Skiploom HGSS
2 Hoppip HGSS

26 Pokemon

4 Judge
4 Copy Cat
3 Seeker
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Flowershop Lady
1 Twins
3 Switch
3 Super Scoop Up
2 Pokemon Reversal
1 Junk Arm
2 Expert Belt
2 Broken Time-Space

28 Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums

2 Rescue
4 Grass

6 Energy

Start out early bu getting sunflora on your bench, then start building up yanmegas for attack with no energy. Jumpluff is for countering Umbreon and taking out very big things. Overall the deck sets up turn 1 or 2 consistantly, but sometimes i run into problems with drawing power. Including those critiques i need any other ones would be greatly appreciated!:D
No need for Vespiquen. Can easily be sniped, and it's only 1-1.
If you really want Scizor Prime, make it a 2-2, and use the MD Scyther. Better then the UD Scyther, and has free retreat.

If you're running a Smeargle start, add some Call Energy. That way you can collector/Call on a good turn. :p
Full bench.

I'd also run at least 2 Rare Candy and 2 Broken Time Space.

Take out Burned Tower, Poke Ball, 1 Seeker, (Only deck that really needs more than one is MewPerior and LostGar)
I said that this was HGSS-on up top. And vespiqueen cant be sniped while it is on the bench because of its pokebody. Its body prevents the snipage of the sunfloras, but if i was running it MD-on i would've done what you said. Thanks for the insight though :)
HGSS-on is just for Japan's rotation. Wait to Black and White...
Today, look for MD-on!

1/1 Vespiquen
1/1/1 Jumpluff
1/1 Scizor...
You need rotom UD (or Azelf LA)

Drawing :
Uxie LA (no HGSS-on, I know)
Blissey PL (no HGSS-on, I know)
or Noarfang HGSS

For HP :
1/1 Shaymin Lv.X ? (no HGSS-on, I know)

For health :
1/1 Blissey Prime ?

For no weakness {L} :
1/1 Metapod HGSS ?

What do you do against Dialga G Lv.X ? (no HGSS-on, I know)

Energy :
3 Rescue
2 Cyclone (no HGSS-on, I know)
1 Recover (no HGSS-on, I know)

VS Seeker ? (no HGSS-on, I know)
So you're running this deck in Japan? Seems pointless otherwise, since HGSS-on is most likely not going to be our format next year.

Anyways, might as well add in some Max Potions so you can heal your Yanmega/Jumpluff since they run 0/1 energy.
I thought about it and it is pointless, il just edit the post and show my deck i have now, it is much faster and better than the one posted, but at that what do you think the rotation will be next year?
Add some VS Seekers if you can. They're trainers that let you search your discard pile for a supporter, so you could re-use your Copycats or Judges.
I made this deck already, except it revolved around Jumpluff, not Yanmega. Here is the link to my thread with the decklist:


How that helps you out some.