• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Sexy as ever!!!
This is a weird combo that uses Yanmega and the NEW Dragon Selection Salamence
3-2-2 Salamence. Strategy-
4-3 Yanmega. PONT gets me 6 cards in the hand, then I junk arm away 2 to use a trainer
4 NV Virizion. and then I use Salamence and we both have 4 in our hands. Though I do
2 NV Cobalion. have some {G} so I can use it on Yanmega if needed.
Energy- 4{G}
4 special{M}
2 rescue
4 Junk Arm
4 Pluspower
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Collector
2 Xtransciver
3 Switch
2 Twins
Rare candies?
Honestly seems like a huge waste of resources when you'd rather just play judge, and copycats to achieve the same thing. It's not like the supporters are doing much else in this deck anyhow.
Strategy is I get 4 cards in my hand, use Salamence so my opponent does, too, then use Yanmega. Cobalion is for strong starts and Virizion gets me cards to work with. And the Xtranscivers are judges, sorry about the typo. And how does judge and copycat archive the same thing as rare candy?
He meant "why aren't you playing Rare Candy?" and that Judge and Copycat already do what you're trying to achieve with Salamence.
Sorry, I'm so stupid! I forgot rare candy. Frankly, I wasn't actually gonna make this unless other people liked it. ( it was just an idea)
Why can't you just use judge? What do you do when people have less than 4 cards in their hand?
But, it's too clunky to be effective. Judge serves the same purpose, but it isn't a stage 2. Just because a card comes out is not an excuse to use it.
Well, if you know, why would you even try it? Judge just does the same thing, but is more efficient. btw, did you find any deck that runs 4 stage 2s yet?