
^lol I don't even remember suggesting that. I just ramble off ideas and see where it goes. Heck, that idea works right now and has potential (though I think that kind of deck needs something else...).
Ariadosguy said:
Papi/Manny said:
Accelerate? You need a plus power for that to work, and I can simply warp around it. Not that hard to play around. But back on topic, yanmega definately looks promising with shyamin X (130 hp spreading t1-on is great).

Heard of Cherrim SF?

And T1 spreading? You need to go second and a rare candy for that to work! :p
Thats cute. I'd rather get something else running if your going to invest all of this into a t2 70 damage deck, but thats just me.
Yeah, you said it one the second post of this thread, I believe. You said it could combo with things like Cressy, Dusknoir, and Garchomp.

Anyway, yanmega truly does have a lot of potential. The reason people don't realize it is because they're to busy spending $100+ on Lv. Xs that will get killed with SF and saying how great Kingdra is for a 60/20 for 1, though it'll suffer the same fate.
Yanegma is not all it's cracked up to me, IMO. It only actually KO's anything on, like, T6/T7. And with the speed/power of SF... No, just no.
You don't have to spread forever. :/ The best strategy for Yanmega is to spread for a few turns while you set something up, and then go crazy on a sweep. And you can even use its second attack if you have Sceptile in the deck. 60 for 2 T2 sounds good to me, and it could (and likely) will become 80 afterward. Not to forget that it goes back to the Bench.
IMO, Yanmega can be easily paired with so many pokemon. Its quite versatile since its spreads on T2 and can quickly get back if you want to deal heavy damage.
I read a comment on the Yanmega CotD thread, and it said Yanmega will become obsolete because of Dusknoir Lv. X. That is false. Can you get Dusknoir Lv. X T2? Or harder yet, have it Knocked Out T2? Plus, it is a Stadium, meaning it can be countered after 1 turn. You really can't send Yanmega back until it dies.
Still, with Dusknoir, Yanmega will face issues.

For one, what can you do if you don't have a stadium? Because I rarely run any.
Yeah, and then Yanmega would likely serve a purpose of spreading early.

Then you should start running counter-stadiums. If you don't have a counter-stadium and then face Dusknoir, your turns are numbered.