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Just received today, thanks. Will be sending tomorrow or Wednesday.

+1 Ref.
+1 - Well, there here.

Did it seriously cost $23? I was looking at the lable...?
Got my cards, wasnt happy with the way they were shipped, (shipping in a toploader, no sleeve for a lvl X, 2 rares and 3 trainers, all put in one toploader. It took a month to get here, but all else is fine. +1 Ref.
Definite Negative rating, -1 billion.
A trade that went awry, could have easily been remedied by the person I was trading with (Yata) but he decided not to go with it, it has now been 2 months and 6 days, and I have yet to recieve so it could be fixed. Mail fraud charges and every thing else will be filed, if you want details I have them.
Thanks for nothing Yata.
Keeps saying the mail is slow and to just wait. Finished a second trade with Croatia during that time. Now wont even answer my PMs.

-1 Ref.

Well, Yata was not clear on the deal and has bad communicational skills. The trade took 3 weeks and he said he paid $10 and made me pay $7, when that was not the original deal.

Highly UNreccomended trader. TRADE WITH CAUTION.
Sigh..I wanted to give this guy a while because he claimed he was ill, but this has gotten out of hand and there's not much I could do but leave a ref. Ok, so this started ALL the way back in November...We were working out a deal for gosh knows how long. Finally we agreed on something. I found out that he was making me pay a price for cards that way over 4x the usual amount! 20$ for a 5$ card. I wasn't thrilled about this, but we already finalized...When I asked him if he could go lower, he threatened to NEG ref me for backing out when I did not even back out :(. This guy really started to make me feel blackmailed :/. Now if this wasn't enough, he lived in Croatia and I sent first due to the rule. I had requested a return receipt when I sent his end in late Dec. About a moth later he contacted me claiming he did not receive. He did not receive, but it was actually a Croatian customs mixup -__-. So in early Feb. I sent again. Now when I asked if he received this is what he said:

Yata said:
I most certanly have received your cards and I will be sending out my end tomorrow. Do not worry, I was ill for a long time and therefore I was unable to send or to get out of my house even and I will let people know that because I have seen some negative rumours about me lately.

So, therefore I am leaving a -1 REF.

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