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YDZ (Yanmega, Donphan, Zoroark)


Bear Wrestling Champ!
Pokemon - 17

3-3 Yanmega Prime
3-3 Donphan Prime
2-2 Zorarok
1 Tornadus

Supporters - 14

4 Copycat
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Pokemon Collector
3 Judge

Trainers - 17

3 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Plus Power
1 Switch
2 Max Potion

Energy - 12

4 Double Colorless Energy
8 Basic Fighting Energy

Strategy - Pretty easy to follow really. Pump out Yanmega and Donphan to beat fast. Zoroark with Plus Power to counter any Reshiram or Zekrom builds. Seeker is in to counter Donphan damage on my bench and set the opponent back and maybe get the win. Other than than, pretty easy to figure out. Any ideas are appreciated!​
Have you encountered any problems with the deck? If you could tell what problems you maybe I can help. Other than that, my only suggestion is to remove 2 {F} energy for
2{C}{C} energy.

Hope I helped! ;)
Thats something i might try :) I'm not having to many problems, main problem is my pokemon getting weak from abusing Donphan. Seeker helps, but do you have any other suggestions?
I agree with Lostgar. A Blissey prime or two would be excellent. If you could fit it in. I also say you should take out two fighting energy for two DCE.
You think maybe taking out the Seekers for a line of Blissey would be good? And i've been testing the build with 4 DCE and love it, making the switch :)
-1 Judge
-2 Fighting Energy
-1 Cleffa
-1 Junk Arm

+1 Switch
+3 Juniper
+1-1 Zoroark

Taking out some drawpower (PONT and Judge) for preferable draw (Juniper) here; adding one more draw card. You shouldn't need more than 6 Fighting Energy, and the Cleffa is redundant with such a quick deck with so many draw supporters. You really only need or want 3 Junk Arm, as they're dead early-game. +1-1 Zoroark as it helps just so much in the Reshi/Zek matchup. Added one Switch so you don't have to attack with Donphan if it gets Catchered. If you could find room for another Switch, that wouldn't be a bad idea (maybe take out a Judge or Copycat?), but that's pretty much preference.
Thanks for the suggestions! I already made some changes close you what suggested, i'll test the rest out for the next couple of days :)
-2 seeker
+2 max potion

max potion works better in my opinion because of three reasons
1. if you do not need to or cannot use donphan, this stills works, while seeker doesn't work as well.
2. most of the attackers in the deck need very little energy to operate. once the energy is discarded, if applicable, it's easily replaced.
3. the card can be junk armed allowing for more than one use. seeker can't be.
@blargh257 - i like that alot. i've only tested a little so far but it feels so much better than seeker =] making the switch!!!