Yeah he's one of us now.

Man, I'm late to this party. Congratulations Kay Gee, just remember, with great power comes great responsibility, and the uncontrollable urge to eat other monkeys. And Mews. :p

DogMaster40 said:
Man, I'm late to this party. Congratulations Kay Gee, just remember, with great power comes great responsibility, and the uncontrollable urge to eat other monkeys. And Mews. :p

Oh don't be mistaken, he's still my little pet monkey, he's just my little pink pet monkey now :)
Great, how late can I be? Man, now you're even further away from me that you used to be! Will you now look at me as a little tiny spec of a bug and ignore my posts?:(
COngrats KG. WHo cares if I'm two days late :)

It was going to happen sooner or later. Great job so far.
I read over some of your posts earlier, and I didn't even realize you had a pink name until now.... :/

I'm getting blinder by the second.

Enough of my problems, though. Congrats on your Super Modification!

You deserve it, you won't abuse it, and... uh...

*glances down at arm*

Oh, and you'll do a wonderful job!

...Funny how people say "I can't think of anything funny to say" for threads like this, when most of the time their purpose for saying that is to be funny. And then people like me come along and point that out to be funny. And say things like that afterwards to be funny. As much as I'm not trying to be in this paragraph, it will come off as me trying to be funny.

I'm right, right?
Woah, wait, KG, did your Chimchar ever evolve into Monferno?

Or did it just go straight to Infernape?!
Togeshroob said:
Woah, wait, KG, did your Chimchar ever evolve into Monferno?

Or did it just go straight to Infernape?!
It is pretending to be Infernape evolved into Infernape. Hence, my title. The title didn't have anything to do with this. It's only related to the new avatar.
KG! Congrats on the Super-Modification! said:
<Godzilla> <Boracay_Jason> I LIKVE YOUR VOICE. <--- He has a thing for Kevin
<Pika_Pants> I wish Typhlosion delta was good enough to tech into Mag/Typhlosion
<Boracay_Jason> i like your voice, i'm in lovee with youu
<@Kevin_Garrett> The old one made me sound like I smoked like 5 packs of cigarettes a day
<@Kevin_Garrett> xD
I told you I'll post this sooner or later xD.
Boracay_Jason said:
KG! Congrats on the Super-Modification! said:
<Godzilla> <Boracay_Jason> I LIKVE YOUR VOICE. <--- He has a thing for Kevin
<Pika_Pants> I wish Typhlosion delta was good enough to tech into Mag/Typhlosion
<Boracay_Jason> I like your voice, I'm in lovee with youu
<@Kevin_Garrett> The old one made me sound like I smoked like 5 packs of cigarettes a day
<@Kevin_Garrett> xD
I told you I'll post this sooner or later xD.

That's why you're not supposed to mumble when talking. :[]
I vaguely remember saying that about two weeks ago. I was using my webcam for my first couple of narrations. I didn't know where the mic was on it. lol