Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX)


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Use this thread for all discussion of The Yeti. This includes strategies, playstyles, and techs. This is not the thread to discuss TDK (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Kyurem). All discussion about that deck should be posted in its respective thread. You may post decklists here, but only as a means of adding to the discussion.

Skeleton List:

Pokémon: 8
  • 4 Deoxys EX
  • 2 Thundurus EX
  • 2 Lugia EX
Trainers: 28
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 3 Colress
  • 3 Skyla
  • 3 Search Balls (Ultra Ball / Plasma Ball)
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 3 Switching Cards (Switch / Escape Rope)
  • 3 Muscle Band
  • 1 Max Potion
  • 1 Scramble Switch
  • 4 Plasma
  • 3 Double Colorless
  • 4 Prism
  • 2 Rainbow / Lightning
Free Space: 11

Good Additions:
  • Absol PLF
  • Snorlax PLS
  • Druddigon FF
  • Mewtwo EX
  • Genesect EX / Lysandre
  • Surprise Megaphone
  • Shadow Triad
  • Computer Search
  • Frozen City
  • Fairy Garden
  • Professor's Letter and More Basic Energy
  • More Thundurus EX / Lugia EX
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax EX)

I'm really sorry for the stupid question, but what is Snorlax EX? It doesn't show on PTCGO and google only shows the Team Rocket Snorlax EX.

Again, really sorry about the stupid question.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax EX)

ESVDiamond said:
I'm really sorry for the stupid question, but what is Snorlax EX? It doesn't show on PTCGO and google only shows the Team Rocket Snorlax EX.

Again, really sorry about the stupid question.
I'm referring to Snorlax PLS not Snorlax EX.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

Palkia EX is a great tech and wins you the Rayboar and Blastoise match-ups.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

Could someone please explain the basic strategy of this deck? I've been toying with a plasma deck centered on Lugia for a while now, and I don't quite see why suddenly Snorlax is being included, especially when you don't have any float stones.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

wonkothesane13 said:
Could someone please explain the basic strategy of this deck? I've been toying with a plasma deck centered on Lugia for a while now, and I don't quite see why suddenly Snorlax is being included, especially when you don't have any float stones.

Turn 1/2 you want to have an active Thundurus EX, and after discarding an energy try to set up a Lugia EX by T2-4. By using raiden knuckle you are hypothetically "softening" up the opponents pokemon for Lugia's grand attack, hoping to knock it out and take 2-3 prizes. With cards like Laser, 3 Deoxys EX benched, and Muscle Band you can easily get enough damage to KO the opponent and take 3 prizes turn 2.

Snorlax is used for 2 reasons.
1- He can hit 180 damage repetitively only if there is a full bench of Plasma pokemon.
2- Opponent can't switch out pokemon, so if they are running Darkrai, they might be able to get rid of their poison if they have a keldeo, but then it is available to be KO'ed by Lugia next turn.

Also, just on the skeleton list there is 4 switching cards already. Specifically "3 switching cards" and "1 scramble switch", which is generally used for Snorlax/Lugia with their high, energy costing attacks. But there is still 16 spots left open, so you could have more if you aren't satisfied. My deck runs 3 switch, 2 float stone, and a scramble switch BTW.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

Elbow said:
wonkothesane13 said:
Could someone please explain the basic strategy of this deck? I've been toying with a plasma deck centered on Lugia for a while now, and I don't quite see why suddenly Snorlax is being included, especially when you don't have any float stones.

With cards like Laser, 3 Deoxys EX benched, and Muscle Band you can easily get enough damage to KO the opponent and take 3 prizes turn 2.

Just want to clarify that a KO taken via Poison damage only results in you taking two prizes, since Lugia's attack isn't the thing knocking out the defending Pokémon.

Anyway, I played this at a few cities and the point is to be extremely offensive. You can often just take so many prizes in a short amount of time that you win the game before your opponent can really do anything. Thundurus EX is good early game and as backup if an attacker goes down (as both Lugia and Snorlax require a lot to set up), and Snorlax is there as a good option to Scramble Switch into as well as a total monster that can tear through fields that aren't able to KO it easily.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

Blah said:
Elbow said:
With cards like Laser, 3 Deoxys EX benched, and Muscle Band you can easily get enough damage to KO the opponent and take 3 prizes turn 2.

Just want to clarify that a KO taken via Poison damage only results in you taking two prizes, since Lugia's attack isn't the thing knocking out the defending Pokémon.

Anyway, I played this at a few cities and the point is to be extremely offensive. You can often just take so many prizes in a short amount of time that you win the game before your opponent can really do anything. Thundurus EX is good early game and as backup if an attacker goes down (as both Lugia and Snorlax require a lot to set up), and Snorlax is there as a good option to Scramble Switch into as well as a total monster that can tear through fields that aren't able to KO it easily.
Sorry, meant to say 2-3 prizes turn 2. And I really only use it with Snorlax anyways, just to keep a lock on or if I'm in a bad situation where I need to stall for draw cards. It is also helpful with Shadow Triad/Iris to do as much damage as possible... maybe even for the win.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

So is Genesect generally just used for his ability, since catcher got nerfed? Doesn't that put you at a slight deficit of plasma energy, since Lugia needs it for his attack?

On a similar note, once Wild Blaze rolls around, does anyone plan on or anticipate others including Lysander in their deck to remove the need for Genesect?
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

You tend to not have to use Genesect's ability more than 1-2 times over the course of the game, so the drawback is that it wastes your attachment for the turn, not that it deprives you of Plasma Energy. Thundurus can get them back (you can retreat genesect if you really need to get a plasma energy off of it) and Lugia rarely attacks more than twice over the course of most games.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

I'm testing a deck using this strategy on playtcg. Mines a bit different though in that it has 3 unique cards.

Plasma Kyurem: Non EX gets around safeguarders, can snipe and do a lot of damage with several Deoxys and Muscle Band.
Yveltal EX: The deck I use runs rainbow'prism so why not put one of these in? It also destroys trevenant, gets passed silver mirror, and Y cyclone is pseudo acceleration.
Virizion EX: Because I hate lasers and accelgor.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

With the release of Pyroar this deck is going to need to change a little.
I started looking through the 3 Plasma sets to see if any stage 1 plasma water pokemon could be viable as a 1-1 tech against Pyroar.
My 6 choices are Sharpedo, Jellicent, Vaporeon, Glaceon, Glalie, and Froslass. These pokemon do not OHKO Pyroars on their own, but with muscle band and deoxys's it shouldn't be too hard to get a 30 damage attack to 60 with the add-ons. They can also be set-up easily with colress machine.

Pros: Rough Skin Ability
No retreat
40 Damage (only 20 more needed)
1 Water 1 Colorless
Cons: Only 90 HP
Pyroar can OHKO back
Lightning Weakness

Pros: 100 HP
Ability is REALLY GOOD if KO'ed by pyroar or anything in general
Attack is 40 DM and 1 W 1 C
Attack does bench spread damage
Lightning weakness
Cons: 2 retreat cost
Not much really...

Pros: 110 HP
Grass weakness
Gold Breaker does 80 without add-ons to EX's in general
Refreshing rain is really good from spread damage
1 Water 1 Colorless
Cons: Still gets OHKOed by Pyroar with Band
Attack only does 30+, so would need a band and a deoxys to KO.
2 Retreat cost

Pros: Attack does immediate 60 damage
Ability gives Plasma retreat cost minus 2 colorless! She's not a bad bench sitter in general too (which could save some space in decks).
^Free Retreat
Metal Weakness
Eevee (and City Champs promo)
Cons: 90 HP
Attack is 1 Water and 2 Colorless...
Effect of attack is useless when it OHKO's Pyroar

Pros: 100 HP
Powder Snow (1 W 1 C) does 30 and Pyroar is automatically asleep (without add-ons it is good)
Reflect Energy is Y-cyclone for Glalie to OHKO pyroar
Metal Weakness
Snorunt is not that bad
Cons: Relect energy is 1 W 2 C
2 Retreat cost
Powder snow does 30

Pros: Opp can't play Special Energy when active
^ Is bad of Opp if playing some Palkia or something with DCE's or rainbow energy.
Blizzard does 30 and 10 to all benched
1 retreat cost
Metal Weakness
Only 1 W 1 C
Cons: 90 HP
Blizzard only does 30

Which is the best, they all have good pros and cons but I can't seem to decide which will be the best against Pyroar. While I feel that he isn't the biggest threat looming in this format, if I go into tourneys with this deck and face a pyroar deck I'm screwed. In addition has anyone tested with any above pokemon for pyroar?
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

I'd say it's a tie between Froslass and Sharpedo.

Sharpedo has an easier time getting the KO against Pyroar, but it wouldn't serve much of a use outside of that. Same thing with Jellicent of the same set (PS 39) (100 HP can survive a hit from Pyroar).

Froslass requires a little bit more support to get the KO, but you also have the ability, which can utterly destroy some opposing plasma decks that use few (if any) basic energy. Of course, this is just theorymon as I haven't actually faced the card, but the potential is there.
RE: Yeti (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Lugia EX / Snorlax)

pokedan24 said:
I'd say it's a tie between Froslass and Sharpedo.

Sharpedo has an easier time getting the KO against Pyroar, but it wouldn't serve much of a use outside of that. Same thing with Jellicent of the same set (PS 39) (100HP can survive a hit from Pyroar)

Froslass requires a little bit more support to get the KO, but you also have the ability, which can utterly destroy some opposing plasma decks that use few (if any) basic energy. Of course, this is just theorymon as I haven't actually faced the card, but the potential is there.

I added Jellicent to the list....I can't believe I forgot him as he isn't half bad!