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Yoga Adept (Medicham / Landorus / Hawlucha)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4-4 Medicham PC
    3 Landorus FI
    2 Hawlucha FI
    1 Jirachi EX

  • 4x N
    3x Professor Juniper
    3x Korrina
    1x Colress
    1x Lysandre
    3x VS Seeker
    2x Bicycle
    3x Ultra Ball
    2x Repeat Ball

    3x Fighting Stadium
    2x Silver Bangle
    2x Muscle Band
    2x Focus Sash

    1x Professor's Letter
    1x Tool Retriever
    1x Startling Megaphone
    1x Enhanced Hammer
    1x Dowsing Machine

  • 6x Fighting Energy
    4x Strong Energy


Concept should be obvious... buff Medicham to OHKO stuff, win via favorable prize trade.

Individual Card Descriptions:

Landorus - Sets up Medicham while making EXs significantly easier to KO (-20HP is VERY relevant for typical Medicham numbers).

Hawlucha - Great damage output for no setup, which is crucial against Seismitoad and other decks that can disrupt or out-tempo my stream of Medichams.

Repeat Ball - Good for grabbing Tites Chams and Landies, but mainly used for turning Korrina into Pokemon Fan Club (grab Meditite + Repeat Ball).

2-2-2 Bangle MBand FBand - Uh, idk... each has great utility in their respective match-ups, the count probably isn't optimal.

1of Items - Korrina utility, duh... Letter is Letter, Hammer is Hammer, Megaphone is for Hard Charm Yveltal and wiping Spirit Links, Retriever is for Head Ringer.


Ok so here's the thing. Medicham with Bangle/Band + Stadium does 140-160, so to OHKO 170-180HP EXs I need Stadium, a tool, AND a Strong Energy. Not overly difficult to set up once, but against a deck full of 170+ HP poke I find myself forced to take 2HKOs more than I'd like (the prize trade is still fine, but depending on the EX the resource trade and the amount of set-up I lose may not be).

To remedy this I really want something OTHER than Bangle/Band/Stadium/Strong to buff Medicham. So far I'm considering the following:

1-1 or 2-2 Golbat PHF - 20 damage upon evolution and 10 spread per attack can really help my KO numbers, especially Bangle + Stadium/Strong. Also a great starter and post-KO pivot similar to Hawlucha.

Landorus EX BCR - Another great starter and softens up benched EXs for Medicham. The bane of decks relying on Stage 1/Stage 2 pokemon, which will likely surge in popularity in the early weeks after Primal Clash's release.

Hypnotoxic Laser - No Verbank. Just +10 damage to let Bangle + Stadium/Strong hit 170.

Iris - Strongly considering this as a 1of for re-use via Seeker. An extra +10 or +20 helps alot, +30 means i only need Band + Stadium/Strong to hit 170, any more than that and I reach OHKO range on Mega Evos which is really cheeky.

Max's Hidden Ball Trick + Machamp FI - I saw a list on reddit that included this combo, and I'm skeptical of the consistency, but seems very powerful once it goes off.

Celebi EX BCR - Doesnt help with damage creep, but allows Medicham to attack for one less energy. Smack does 20 for {F}, which combined with Barrage and a couple buffs can actually deal respectable damage. Makes streaming battle-ready Medichams a breeze, which can be very relevant when trading with decks filled with non-EXs like Medicham/Excadrill PC, Donphan PLS, Heatran PHF, Yveltal/Xerneas XY, Outrage Dragons, Empoleon (will probably see play due to Dive Ball), etc.

Just thought I'd put my decklist and thought process out there for ppl looking for a starting point, and maybe get some community feedback. Pce.
Very interesting deck!
OK, Medicham + Strong Energy + Muscle Band + Fighting Stadium = 180. w/ silver bangle it's 200, still knocks out reg. ex, but won't KO megas. You don't really need the silver bangle. 4 Muscle Band, you need to be consistent. You're gonna have muscle band, focus sash won't be useful most of the time. That's 2 dead spaces in your deck in most situations.
4-4 Medicham [PCL]
3x Landorus [FFI]
2x Hawlucha [FFI]
1x Jirachi EX [PLB]

4x Muscle Band
3x Ultra Ball
2x Repeat Ball
3x VS Seeker
1x Professor's Letter
2x Switch
1x Escape Rope
1x Computer Search

4x Professor Sycamore
4x N
4x Korrina
2x Lysandre
1x Professor Birch's Observations
1x Iris

3x Fighting Stadium

4x Strong Energy
7x Fighting Energy
Bangle facilitates KOs with only either a Strong OR Stadium on EXs that I've already hit with Landorus. Landorus is my go-to attacker after a Medicham has been KO'd, so that situation comes up pretty often, especially against decks that have trouble taking ohkos on my 120 HP Lando; I make sure and abuse those turns of setup to the fullest.

Example: Opponent has Yveltal EX out. I attack with Landorus + Fighting Stadium for 20 damage, putting an energy on my benched Medicham. Opponent is forced to attach 4th energy/Muscle Band to Yveltal to KO Landorus. I respond by attaching Silver Bangle to Medicham and dealing 160 damage, ignoring resistance. GG.

I agree that just running 4 Bands would make certain aspects of the deck more consistent (especially in efficiently dealing with non-ex decks that don't care about Stadium), but it would also make me more reliant on 3-card combos in certain scenarios like the example above. Not sure I'm willing to make that sacrifice, but it's definitely worth testing.

Focus Band is just a phenominal card if my opponent doesn't play Lasers and I'm confident they're out of Megaphones. Trading 2HKOs is always favorable for Medicham, since thanks to Barrage I'll be damaging their new attacker with the 2nd hit, making it that much easier to KO. When I feel it's a safe play Focus Band is always preferable to Bangle/MBand.

I'll probably end up making the deck more streamlined and cutting most of the 1of Korrina techs (even though I love to toolbox ;n;), although imo Professor's Letter and Bicycle are staple in almost any deck that plays multiple Skyla/Korrina.

I appreciate you taking the time to comment, btw love your Camel deck ;)
Just for clarification, and I kinda hate this with this set,
you're talking about the Medicham that has Barrage correct?
Hit's for 30 twice, and buff that so you hit 90 twice right?