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You can't hit me!! (Pidgeot/Umbreon)(Masters, Cities)

Team Rose

Aspiring Trainer

4 Spiritomb(Ar)
3-2-3 Pidgeot(Tr)
2-2 Umbreon(Ud)
3-3 Dugtrio(Pt)


3 Bebe's Search
4 Twins
3 Interview's Questions
2 Pokemon Collector
4 Energy Exchange
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Switch
2 Rare Candy
1 Luxury Ball


4 Special Darkness
1 Basic Darkness
4 Rescue Energy

The idea is to prevent my opponent from attacking me, either with Pidgeot's Headwind attack (During your opponents next turn, the attack cost of each of the defending pokemon's attacks is {C}{C} more.) or Umbreon's Moonlight Fang attack (During your opponents next turn, prevent all effects, including damage, done to Umbreon by attacks from your opponent's pokemon that has any Poke-Powers or Poke-Bodies.), all while dealing steady damage. The Dugtrios punish or deter my opponent for/from retreating with its Sinkhole poke-body, I try to have at least 2 on my bench, 3 is great but sometimes not doable.

Another thing about this deck is that it very rarely has a bad start. With Spritomb doing what it does, Pidgey with its Messenger attack (lets me search for a pokemon and put it in my hand, but Pidgey is shuffled into the deck), and Eevee (Ud) with its Call for Family attack (powered up with a rescue energy if possible, usually can be arranged), even Diglett (Tr) with its Sand Veil attack to stall when I go first so I can use my trainers/supporters next turn (very rare, but I did it once and it worked).

I've had only a few test runs with this deck, usually resulting in a rage scoop. It did well against VileGar thanks to Umbreon (it was still close). So any feedback is welcome, as well as suggestions.
4 Twins is a lot, do you really get that far back on prizes? i mean i could see how.

i say

-2 twins
-1 dugtrio line (you say yourself you have a hard time getting 3 out)

+3 Basic dark energy
+1 palmer

its just me but i dont like decks that only/mostly run special energies, reasons are because there hard to get back and scizor prime.

i was going to suggest some uxie but im sure you have a reason not running it..... ;)

but just in case

-1 IQ
-1 Energy exchange
-1 Communication

+2 uxie
+1 Collector or Pont

reason, youre running spiritomb so try and minimize the trainers you run. and 3 IQ is a lot i dont even run 3 in my blastgatr deck which is all about energies. I really just recommend taking out IQ's and replace it with 2 PONTS to refresh your hand (and maybe get an energy) but its your call. hope i helped a bit.

Good luck, interesting deck!
Thanks for the feedback Avacado. Yea I do agree 4 Twins is too much, this deck kinda transformed into this from another deck that took me 2 turns to tie it back up (allowing me to chain a second twins), but yea this deck doesn't need 4, 2 should be fine for me. I have the 3 Dugtrios incase one of them are prized, having only one just doesn't do it for me so I want to avoid that. I like the Energy Exchangers to always get the right energy I need so I want that maxed.

I'm gonna make these changes.
-2 Twins
-1 IQ
-1 Communication
-1 Switch (Pidgeot has no retreat, the "other" deck needed them)

+3 Basic Darkness (although I haven't seen Scizor prime used yet near me, it does wall this deck)
+2 PONT (I do find my self running through my hand quickly)

Again, thanks for the feedback and suggestions!
I would put in a Moonlight stadium or two if there still legal. This way you could retret Spirittomb use pidgys messenger and put it back up. This way you do not trainer lock yourself on you turn.
Moonlight Stadium is actually illegal (it was in GE). Unown Q is another substitute though.

-1-1 Dugtrio PL

+2 Uxie LA

While having 3 Dugtrio on the Bench does seem great, it takes up way too much Bench space. Three Dugtrio isn't needed for that reason (and for the fact that two is already enough.). Two Uxies are for some more drawpower. While they do also take up Bench space, the extra draw never hurts.
Also I would put in the SV Metagross it cuts HP by 20. This way it punishes the openet even more for running.
I don't see how Metagross could help this deck. However, Vileplume would be a great addition, further adding to the trainer lock and the frustration of the opponent. So:

-2 Switch (I believe you already took one out)
-2 Communication (I believe you already took one out)
-1-1 Dugtrio (3 is too many)
-2 Rare Candy (Don't use trainers)
-4 Energy Exchanger (Don't use trainers)

+2-2-2 Vileplume UD (It will frustrate the opponent to no end)
+1 Bebe's Search (Max the search power)
+3 Pokemon Collector (For the basics)
+2 Uxie (Drawpower)

With Vileplume, this deck could also include Copycat for hand refresh, because the opponent will usually have about five unusable trainers in their hand, plus others.