Active You Laugh, You Lose - Post Something Funny!

RE: You Laugh, You Lose


For those of you old enough to be in/have graduated from college:
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

[3:25:48 PM | Edited 3:26:18 PM] oyeah1988: I'm really tempted to write a tutorial on 'English Speaking for English Speakers'
[3:26:07 PM] Afro: lolwut?
[3:26:32 PM] oyeah1988: Proper English that is
[3:26:50 PM] Afro: "English"
[3:27:01 PM] Afro: that can mean anything now in days xP
[3:27:21 PM] Afro: you want "proper English"
[3:27:31 PM] oyeah1988: oyeah1988 is getting sick of there being swapped for their, or they're
[3:28:06 PM] Afro: are you saying that you don't like the way Bippa talks? >8(
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Here's some of my stories from Skype. I hope you guys laugh at them. You probably won't, but whatever. I'm sharing them with you anyway.

Bippa will never, never, never, never, never be my friend again. What am I to do? I have to leave this country. Go to some foreign island where I'll have no job and a bunch of people after me and no life and no insurance for when a car steps on my innocent body, where I'll be transported to the dump and stepped on by others because I'm so dumb for not accepting Bippa into my life, and then I'll be thrown into the water with the sharks, where I'll have to live a life of barely surviving among the creatures of the deep, just for someone to find me and whip me and torture me for the rest of my life, and then they'll enslave me to work for them 24/7 and have me flip burgers at their local store, and put a cone on my head that says Dunce and then people will laugh at me and then I'll start crying and then he'll fire me just to hire some Valley Girl who doesn't know what she's doing, and then they'll throw rocks at me and call me a loser, and then I'll have to go to a new country and have Frenchies stuff snails down my throat while I try to swallow hard and then they'll make me act like a dog and train me to do stupid tricks that no other dog should ever do, and then they'll let people pet me and stuff, and then I'll have to get plastic surgery everywhere to hide my face from others who want to make fun of me or spit at me, and then I'll have to live a life with no college degree and no knowledge of anything in the world, and then I'll have to try my skills at being on a sitcom where people have to stress over their life. And then I'll have to afford a shack on the wrong side of the road where I can sleep without bears attacking me in the night, and then since I don't have any money, I'll have to steal a carving knife and a gun to hunt deer and rabbit, and cook them with my own saliva and a pan I found in a cellar. Then I'll beg for Bippa's forgiveness and maybe then he'll finally accept me back into his life rather than just ignoring me for his own sake. That would be so nice, you don't even know, because I look up to Bippa, and he's really, really special, but I really didn't mean to not accept his friend request. Maybe he won't forgive me: then I'll have to repeat my life over living as an old guy with lots of house cats and the kind that yells at energetic kids when they step on his lawn, and I'll have no wife and no social life and no friends just because I didn't accept Bippa's friend request.

[9:10:01 PM] Yoshi: Okay, I think I was super-duper stupid to block Bippa. I really don't know why, I just did. It's not like I hate Bippa, I just wanted him to accept me. I think I was just not using common sense when I decided to block him. I really hope he isn't mad at me. Like, seriously. Because if not, Bippa may kick me out of his life forever. Then I'll be in court. I can picture it now, Water Pokemon Master as the judge, dmaster as the cop that hands the judge the files, all the members of Pokebeach as the audience, myself as the defendant, and Bippa as the whatever they call it. Then Bippa gets right in my face, he starts calling me a dirty liar, and dmaster just shakes his head, disappointed. WPM silences the entire court before they go on a sudden rampage to kill me and use my guts as hospital tools. Then WPM silences me to a permanent ban, and I have no more friends. I suddenly appear at Worlds, at people spit at me and say "How could you" and I get really angry and lash out at one of them. Then DNA tackles me and yells some stuff I can't understand. Probably something inappropriate. Or jibberish. And then Tyraniking starts doing a victory dance to celebrate my anguish, and then The Assassin tries to assassinate me, but I get out of the way before CCloud tries to throw me. Afro-G starts talking randomly about how much better his hair is than everyone's, and then everyone else not-so-important starts yelling at me really loud and I just want to get out of there, and then I just landed in an interrogation room where AMT looks at me all funny and tells me I have the right to remain silent , and then TheDarkLucario comes in and shoves the lamp down my throat, and then I can barely breathe until safariblade comes in and rescues me. And then he slaps me really hard. Then I fall asleep, and I wake up to see Juliacoolo giving me the evil eye, and Mudkip spitting in my eye. I'm not sure where I was, but all I knew was that they were going to do something horrible to me. So then I punched Mudkip in the face and ninja-kicked Juliacoolo. Then I realized I was in a prison cell, and I was really scared and sweaty and I thought I had made the biggest mistake of my life because I had never remembered blocking Bippa, so maybe I had had a memory lapse or something. Then I find myself in a jungle, where I have to fend for myself and feed off of strange plants that could be poisonous, and I have to fight off wild monkeys who want to eat off my face, and I just want to hide under a rock and die because I'm having an awful time. Sometimes I just want to be alone and seclude myself from everyone and pretend I never blocked Bippa, because I really don't ever remember blocking him. Then I just want to fall asleep, and then I find myself waking up in some place where everyone speaks complete nonsense and all I speak is Polish and I can't understand anyone because of the stupid language barrier. At this point I'm really scared as to what is going to happen next because I dream about someone coming to me and killing me, right then and there, and then I'm gone, with no explanation, no funeral, no anything. At this point I really don't know what right or wrong is anymore, so I guess I'll have to return to Bippa, the successful, better than me, always cheery Bippa. I'll return to him in my ragged clothes and low spirit to beg for his forgiveness, and hopefully he will accept me, like he has accepted a long-lost brother back into his life.

You know, I just had to write these stories. tl;dr, I accidentally deleted Bippa's Friend Request, and then I accidentally blocked him, so he kept sending me Friend Requests, and I didn't get them. There you go. Read up. Huzzah. [/sass]
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I lost to both of those. ^

Blues Clues is priceless, really.

I can't tell weather or not this is a win or a fail...
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Snorchu; Seriously, cool it with the ponies. Post it in the pony thread, not here. Even though I am a brony, I don't see how those were funny.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

safariblade said:
Ponies from now on better be funny or I will outlaw them.

But seriously... I just don't understand this obsession people have...
(And no, don't discuss this here.)

Looks like these ponies are outlaws. I say good riddance.

Contains some language.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Thanks TDL; I knew I could count on you :D
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I'd laugh at the XBL one, but I've seen it on another site. You came pretty close, though - nice job.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

haha I LOLLLED so hard last night... Mainly at the "Super Effective" comics... Where can you read more like those?
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Lost to TDL and DNA.

The close door button on an elevator is pointless. Just like the tear here line on packages.