Active You Laugh, You Lose - Post Something Funny!

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Shadow Arceus said:
How can you have an upside-down cross? Didn't loose to anything but DNA.
I try my best *bows*
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

DNA's already seen this, buuuuuuuut:
This always equals this.
I don't want to imagine what would happen (On PokeBeach, don't forget) if that thread was posted a year or two ago.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Why is there a koala in the Avenging Narwhal set? What the heck does a koala have to do with a narwhal?!
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

It got old quick... But I laughed at the demented heads flying off.

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Snorchu said:
Ummmm... Is that supposed to be funny? Because I just lost to that.

It could be...? :p

But I actually did win Battle Roads yesterday, went completely undefeated! :D
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

It is just so out of place in this thread is what the humor of it is. I think. Here is this.


This is like my sense of humor because... um... where am I?
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Vulpix Yolk said:
It is just so out of place in this thread is what the humor of it is. I think. Here is this.


This is like my sense of humor because... um... where am I?

Upon reading the second attack, I lol'd so hard the water I was drinking came out of my nose lolololololol
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I didn't laugh.

From a strategic standpoint, that move is good only if you're down to your last prize, in which case it's gamewinning because it's essentially a 1-hit KO. However, you don't want to have it in your deck when there are much better * cards out there to choose from.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Clearly, you've never gone all-out against anyone before.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Snorchu said:
I didn't laugh.

From a strategic standpoint, that move is good only if you're down to your last prize, in which case it's gamewinning because it's essentially a 1-hit KO. However, you don't want to have it in your deck when there are much better * cards out there to choose from.

You aren't playing the game right then. And your sarcasm is stale. That, or you are just 12.

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

^I almost lost to that one.

For those of you that don't get the Gyarastar joke, it's not the card, it's the entire post. The reason I find it funny is that I can just imagine some little noobnerd kid pulling it and thinking it's so awesome.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Captoats said:
You aren't playing the game right then. And your sarcasm is stale. That, or you are just 12.


That wasn't sarcasm. And FYI, I don't play the TCG. I'm just speaking from novice observation. You, on the other hand, were so quick to jump on my faults and try to spark a flame war with me. This will be our last correspondence. Good day to you, sir and/or madam.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

^I almost lost to that one.
I actually did. Best bit is that is actually a quote from one of the episodes. It's truly awesome.

The reason I find it funny is that I can just imagine some little noobnerd kid pulling it and thinking it's so awesome.