Active You Laugh, You Lose - Post Something Funny!

RE: You Laugh, You Lose



RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Starboard Driger said:
FOX news, I love you.


Scroll down to the portable gaming consoles section and figure out everything that's wrong with it.

Pffft I just got a 3DS..and now there is a DS3?! Technology wins again.


Ahhhh we love you...I mean whaaaaa
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

^I wouldn't say it's racist, it just comments that Will Smith is black. Which he is.

Tumblr Image Dump nao





I figure this is the most appropriate place to post this gem.

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I actually was thinking of the Bhut Jolokia Chili Pepper.

Not. I thought of carrot, Mr. mind reader.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I laughed at ShadowLugia's post, even through that post insults Calvin and Hobbes. They have feelings, too. :(
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

@ Xdog I did your mind reader on my sister. When I asked her to name a vegetable, she said fish. Yes, she is blond.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

ISB said:
Wait, they would be offended? Obviously you have no idea who Calvin and Hobbes are...

Wait, I've bought Calvin and Hobbes comic books. I just think that characters have feelings, too...

But back on topic, because I don't want to interrput the discussion. :(
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I still don't understand why it "hurts their feelings". They're cartoon characters, and those images re-imagine them years later, by a great artist. And LPG, stop mini-modding.
Anyways, The reason behind how Xdog's image "reads your mind" is most likely because carrots are one of the simplest and most "popular" vegetables to most people. After the math questions, your brain looks for a simple and well-known answer as quickly as possible, which is why carrot is usually chosen. Not wanting to spoil the fun, just throw my theory out there.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Hazz said:

I love how I post a joke and my warning level goes up 40%, while they post a lolcat which is actually against the rules and no one gives a crud.

Ah, well....

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

You posted bad jokes multiple times, and there was only one lolcat Hazz posted, which we unfortunately do look over sometimes. But you're right, if we start seeing lolcats and things of that nature, we warn. Complain some more, and we warn for that too.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

That first one is now stuck in my head.

Add it to the large list of things I'm going to be singing in my head for the next year.