Active You Laugh, You Lose - Post Something Funny!

RE: You Laugh, You Lose


RE: You Laugh, You Lose

666th post, muahaha!
Playerking had some pretty good ones. I'm off to find some Engrish.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

@Dark Sonic. I'm running out of stuff to post XD.

Edit: I got the wrong link for the first one. I deleted it and now am trying to find what I found. I reread the second, agree, and deleted the post.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

I lost to TDL's 2 because I have seen 4 before. 1 was nice as well.
ShadowLugia's online gamer bit was funny too, as was eat the kids, everything that PK95 posted, and aggggh too hard for me to catch up on everything.
Edit: I just finished and about 90% of those were hilarious. Online gamer was my favorite of the day, though.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Haven't lost to anything on this page. I think the last good one (discounting my own) was canned microwaves.
RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Lost to all of TDL's. Where do you find those images btw.

A place. I'd rather not tell you, or anyone, because that'd be advertising and it would ruin the thread.

RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Lost to almost everything, but I found Pory the Whoop particulary funny, and has earned a spot in my sig :D


RE: You Laugh, You Lose

Aqua Star's second one made me lose.

Every single other one has not made me lose. Do Better.