RE: You Laugh, You Lose
Trainerhan1 said:
Trainerhan1 said:I get it^
Trainerhan1 said:^ You are walcome, sir.
I can too....oh look a butterfly!Nigel said:I can personally relate to this one:
Blui129 said:Wait. I thought he was smart, that or he was born 6 (I don't get it) but LOL.
Jirachi said:No. Its because in some parts of east asia every one is like a year older. They count their age in a different way than we do. The first year of a child is counted as 1, not 0 and however many months. So like when a baby is just born, he is 1. And so here if someone is 5, a kid that has lived the same amount of years as he did would be 6. Its the best I can explain it.