Your deck building weaknesses.

Techs. First, I don´t know what to add. When I get something, all the possible techs pop up and I can´t choose which to use, thus making the deck inconsistent until I can balance it by choosing what tech is best to use, which is very difficult to me.
SotS said:
Stage 1 decks.... Definitely Stage 1 Decks. I never know what to fill all the empty space with!
Same here! I have never been able to make a good Stage 1 deck. I can make Basic decks and Stage 2 decks very well but not Stage 1...
I always have trouble with draw power involving uxie. I never have enough space without having too many pokemon, and I tend to end up using 1 Uxie and 3 Volkner's.
I can't ever build a good deck with less than 23 trainers.
Donk Decks, I can build them, but then hate them the minute I have the donk.
i cant build decks that work in theory, but work irl. like my aggron deck doesnt work well in theory(i run 3 stage 2's), but it does work irl.

i also cant make "good" sp decks... i can make them... just not well.
Finally got a super speedy Legos list, but I can only fit in 1 Premier Ball and 2 Energy Gain (and so far, I never needed more, but yeah). If I'd want more, I'd have to drop Dialga G X meaning an autoloss to Mewtwo. ;_; Toughie to pick.
But my worst weakness is building decks that are short on the decklist. Either I have a big trainer line, or a big Poke line. It's always a huge pain to write.
decks where pokemon rely on a lot of energy to do a good attack but then right after you get the attack off they get knocked out :\ T-tar
For me, its Stage 2 decks.

I have my deck at 60 cards, then I find out "I forgot Rare Candy". The space is so tight its either Claydol or Candy.

I plain stink at making combos. Though I haven't made one, disruption decks seem hard to make, as well.

When I first made a deck, the combo was very unreliable, and I had too many energies (24 for an empoleon deck?!).

When I made my Rampy deck, I focused on seed and brute force. No combo.

Now, I FINALLY got it right with a combo for my Glaceon/Empoleon deck (in progress), but that might just screw up in the end. -.-
I accel at making Donk decks, and making decks with planned options for each part of the game. I like having back-up plans that go against the generic decklist, and it turns put good.

I have trouble making Sp decks. All the different things confuse me. The powers, and the tools, and the trainers are all played in harmony together, and it really confuses me.
I'm not good at building G decks like some other people. It's hard for me to find space for all of the tools/supporters/techs in the deck. Ask me how my Alakazam 4/Palkia G/Turtwig GL/Nidoqueen deck went. X.X
Also decks that have like a lot of T/S/S confuse me. After putting in like every single decent T/S/S card that I can find I'm not able to come up with any other cards. I'm better at building stage 2 decks.
^that's what makes sp decks so great because their are so many options for you to do i finally think that i got my sp deck to run smoothly without having to take advice from someone else to do it
I cant seem to make decks with quite a few trainers in them, I am always filling my deck up with Pokemon and energy.
Lou Cypher said:
Yeah, just a funny little topic. The question here being; what kind of deck CAN'T you build, while it IS a played deck? So mainly post here the archetypes you just can't build a good list of on your own.

My weakness is SP decks. I keep building them, having to remove stuff to get to 60 cards, and when I'm finally at 60...I realize I should somehow add some energy.

So whats your weakness?

Same here
everything is my weakness. I have alot of cards, but i dont have ANY good cards, or cards that are used now. I have like a million billion like torterra and empoleon and infernape, but like 0 claydol, no uxie, no azelf, very few cards whatsoever used to make decks. But the weakness of mine that sticks out the most is that i just dont have trainers...i can make just combo deck of random pokemon, but i dont have nearly enough of good trainers...
i keep forgetting stuff like teh flygon when accounting for weaknesses when thinking about a deck. like how fast said decks will kill my setup. if they kill my setup too fast and i have no probable way of recovering, i just like give up.

i also put like WAAAAYYYYY too many energies in. for some reason i just can't think of how running 10 energies is consistent at all (then i slap myself in the face and think of speedrill).

so yeah thats my stuff. and over compensating for consistency.
I can't seem to make stage 2's , I'm amazing with SP's, but other than that not so good. My only good stage 2 is Gechamp but I seem to have a hard time with those. I like making Rogues(Toxitank/Weavile G/Dialga G,Eeveelutions, ROTOM)
My weakness is building SP and Rogue decks. They never work out well, but when I use decks that already have been used it works out pretty good.