Your favorite music videos


Post your favorite music videos here, and comment about other people's favorites. Do not spam with Harlem Shake videos! (One or two is fine, but not everyone on the internet.) Make sure all videos are PG-13 or lower in rating, and if they include language, put the video in a spoiler.
Just for the artist, Katy Perry's "Wide Awake" is my favorite video of all time. On top of the name though, there's a very powerful message of fighting for what you need and not letting any deception stopping you in it, which I also love.
I didn't spend hours and hours and gallons of blood and sweat creating a whole forum for this kind of thing to not have you use it. MOVING
PMJ said:
I didn't spend hours and hours and gallons of blood and sweat creating a whole forum for this kind of thing to not have you use it. MOVING

Oh PMJ, you still haven't lost your odd humour, have you? lol. Anyway, back on topic. I also like Katy Perry's "Hot 'n' Cold" just for the sheer sarcasm and how the wedding theme fits in perfectly with the song. #KatyCatForLife

Dat chaos.