My first pull was a Base Set holo Chansey:
I was almost 8 years old when Pokémon started. I remember zapping through the cartoon channels and stopped at something that caught my attention, a white-red ball being thrown at a worm (episode 3). I was hooked right away, and I'm not sure when, but my parents gave me and my little brother each our first booster pack (unlimited edition English Base) soon after. In it was a holo Chansey. Although holo cards are of course always cool, as a kid I didn't really care about it all that much and just wanted more cards. Since everyone at school was bringing their cards and trading, I did as well. Some older kid (probably 9 or 10 years old
) offered me a Pidgey, Pidgeotto AND Vulpix for the Chansey. Since I wanted more cards, I traded 1 for 3 right away.
Two days later on the news they were talking about the Pokémon TCG hype. They said some collectors were willing to pay 100 Gulden (old Dutch currency) for some cards, and they showed Charizard and Chansey, rofl.. (Thinking back I have no idea if they meant first edition Shadowless perhaps, but I don't think the news reporter knew the difference either.) I still haven't regret trading it though, but when you see the card was worth 100 Gulden and I got it for three cards that were commonly available, it did cross my mind a lot of times, and thus I still remember it to this day. After that I've also always been more careful and thoughtful when trading, to some extent (hey, I was just a kid
). I haven't made a lot of trades as a child, but most after that were positive for me, except for maybe one or two (like trading my mint from the booster Legendary Collection Reverse Holo Moltres for a lightly played Japanese Neo Genesis Holo Steelix.. sigh..)
EDIT: The second holo I fortunately still have today, and is still one of my favorite cards due to nostalgic memories, is the Jungle Set holo Jolteon.
I was almost 8 years old when Pokémon started. I remember zapping through the cartoon channels and stopped at something that caught my attention, a white-red ball being thrown at a worm (episode 3). I was hooked right away, and I'm not sure when, but my parents gave me and my little brother each our first booster pack (unlimited edition English Base) soon after. In it was a holo Chansey. Although holo cards are of course always cool, as a kid I didn't really care about it all that much and just wanted more cards. Since everyone at school was bringing their cards and trading, I did as well. Some older kid (probably 9 or 10 years old

Two days later on the news they were talking about the Pokémon TCG hype. They said some collectors were willing to pay 100 Gulden (old Dutch currency) for some cards, and they showed Charizard and Chansey, rofl.. (Thinking back I have no idea if they meant first edition Shadowless perhaps, but I don't think the news reporter knew the difference either.) I still haven't regret trading it though, but when you see the card was worth 100 Gulden and I got it for three cards that were commonly available, it did cross my mind a lot of times, and thus I still remember it to this day. After that I've also always been more careful and thoughtful when trading, to some extent (hey, I was just a kid

EDIT: The second holo I fortunately still have today, and is still one of my favorite cards due to nostalgic memories, is the Jungle Set holo Jolteon.
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