Your Greatest Fears & Phobias

I have a several fears, most them just downright weird, or at least I think they are. The first one is... holes. :eek: Also called trypophobia, it an irrational fear of any kind of porous surface. For me, it triggers at random, but when it does, it really gets to me. It gets even worse when there are things coming out of the holes (I die a little on the inside when that happens.) My hands start shaking, i get goosebumps all over, and my stomach knots up. One time it triggered so badly that my whole body was literally shaking, i was on the verge of vomiting, and i actually started crying a little bit. I'm not sure how I got my fear of holes or porous surfaces, but i do know that a family member has it too..; maybe its linked to that somehow.

Another fear is ventriloquist dolls. Oh gosh, this a bad one but it has calmed down a bit though. Whenever i get confronted with a doll made of porcelain or wood, i get VERY uncomfortable! Just staring into their blank, empty eyes gives me the heebie-jeebies. Their history as spirit vessels for various spell casters or witches to use in older cultures also lent credence to my fear due to their original purposes. The fear started when I first saw the Chucky movies as a little tyke, after that, I very been freaked out by them ever since. Just the sight of them on TV or in pictures sends chills racking up and down my body.

I used to be afraid of the dark because of various reasons... not getting into that, but now I love the dark! I love to just stand outside in the dark, even when there are no streetlights and just relax in it. Also, when I'm at school, if I'm having a hard time with something, I just excuse myself, go to the private restroom, lock it, turn off the lights and sit in there. Is that weird? :p Oh well, it helps me relax and think about things.

Lets see... I got another one, but its weird, so don't laugh! I am a bit frightened of ring tones or phones ringing. I have no idea why and I don't know where or when it started, but whenever I hear a ringtone, even if its just someone going through various ones, i get freaked out like something bad is going to happen. I get uneasy, goosebumps start going up my arms, and chills go down my spine. It has calmed down though, but its still there. My mother told me when I was really young, about 2 and 3, I would begin crying and cover my ears whenever the phone started ringing. No one, even me, could figure out why I was so deathly afraid of the noise. Now that I'm 16, it has calmed down greatly, but it still gets to me somewhat.

Last but not least is chalk. Chalk, my mortal enemy in childhood! All the times I used chalk made me hate it more and more! :mad: It's not very much a fear as it is a very uneasy annoyance due to the way it feels in hands, with its rough and slippery texture. Also, whenever it rubs against my nails gets absolutely upsets me! The aspect of chalk that gets me unsettled is the sound it makes when being used. The screeching sound it creates unnerves me and makes me want to avoid it constantly.

But those are my main fears as far as I know. The most common fears that people have (the dark, thunderstorms, fire, death, etc.) don't really get to me, in fact, a few of them I actually love!
I'll admit it, I'm afraid of a lot of things. I'm a very skittish person.
  • Heights. Biggest fear. Absolutely terrified. I went rappelling with my class in grade 6, and I slipped at the very top, and was dangling for awhile, because something got royally screwed up, and I ended up with wicked rope burns, and overall that entire experience really messed me up.
  • Bees/Wasps/Hornets. I don't mind bees that much, since they tend to be pretty chill, and we kinda need them to survive. The others freak me out big time.
  • Silence. Really weird one. Discovered it in grade 10, during a French exam. It was unusually quiet; not even a sniffle. Had a minor anxiety moment, and ever since then, I cannot deal with silence for more than a few seconds.
  • Abandonment. This one is likely due to various mental health issues I've got, but yeah, I'm very afraid of being abandoned or left out.
  • Being forgotten. Similar to abandonment, but unintentional, whereas abandonment is intentional.
  • Clowns. I was jumped by a clown, and ever since then, they terrify me. So this whole creepy clown business has obviously been rather unpleasant for me.
  • Seeing other people get needles poked into them. Weirdly specific, I know.
I think that's it?