BW/BW2 your new rival


I'm pretty sure it's this guy. . . he looks pretty bad
rockinpikachu said:
I want the rival to be the opposite Gender of what you chose and let them be your brother/sister

Haha, that would make some the people who've made particular fan art of the main characters feel a bit regretful - if you know what I mean *halo*

I really really really like that guy in black and white clothing. But everything about him screams "nasty / evil person!" from the colouring, and the shaded eyes. I hope that he is the rival, and has a decent personality. If I can't meet / battle him post-story I'll cry!

[Edit] OR that he's the champion. I know in the screencap he's saying he'll surpass the champion - but maybe he'll pull a Blue? Perhaps unlikely they'll repeat, but since GSC the champion has always been the cool and collected, knowledgable adult who bumps into you and helps you at various intervals. Which is a bit boring now. Though I guess you have to get to know the champion in some way before you encounter them, or it'd feel somewhat redundant.