What a fun, great idea!
So for my base form I'd be a very plump, hard and spiky-shelled snapping
tortoise (tortoise only because I want to be Ground type, but not Water... no x4 weakness to Grass here!). Plump because I was pretty chubby up until about 7 years ago when I lost a bunch of weight.
This unevolved form would represent myself as the overweight kid I once was. Also, I'd be a snapping tortoise because I have been known to snap at people when I'm overstressed. I enjoy seclusion, preferably in mud holes or under shade, away from other creatures. Because I am unable to hide in my shell, I pack a vicious Bite when I am provoked. I have a fairly long tail, much like a snapping turtle. I have sharp claws, but biting is the preferred method of attacking.
Name: Snapter (Snap, of course, and ter- from terra, ie, ground. Pronounced like raptor.)
Type: Ground
Egg Group 1: Monster
Egg group 2: Field
Egg Moves: Metal Claw, Iron Tail, Dragon Tail, Amnesia, Yawn, Mud Sport, Muddy Water, Superpower, Bulldoze, Iron Defense, Submission, Close Combat, Head Smash, Rock Slide, Stone Edge
Ability(s): Thick Fat, Rough Skin, Dry Skin*
Start - Bite
Start - Tail Whip
Lv. 10 - Sand-Attack
Lv. 14 - Magnitude
Lv. 17 - Curse
Lv. 20 - Rapid Spin
Lv. 24 - Knock Off
Lv. 29 - Protect
Lv. 34 - Spikes
Lv. 38 - Punishment
Lv. 42 - Crunch
Lv. 44 - Earthquake
TM / HM Learnset:
Hone Claws
Dragon Claw
Bulk Up
Hidden Power
Light Screen
Smack Down
Double Team
Sludge Bomb
Rock Tomb
False Swipe
Shadow Claw
Giga Impact
Rock Polish
Stone Edge
Gyro Ball
Swords Dance
Rock Slide
Dragon Tail
Work Up
Rock Smash
Base Stats:
HP: 55 Att: 60 Def: 100 Sp.Att: 30 Sp.Def: 70 Speed: 15
Total: 330
Evolution at Lv. 24! No special mechanics that I can think of right now, just leveling up.
My evolved form will be a drastic change from my previous form. The plumpness is gone, the shell has kind of "fused" to my body, meaning I don't really have a literal shell anymore, just that the hard shell material has now become my chest and back. I stand on two legs instead of four. I know it's cheesy to say "think of what the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles look like" but that is kind of what I'm envisioning right now. Hey, I'm a huge fan of TMNT, Pokemon, and turtles, so it's hard not to think that!
I now not only have spikes on my shell, but also on my arms and legs. Most of the spikes are on my shoulders and thighs, only very little spikes on the rest of my arms and legs. I have a larger jaw and sharper beak for dealing more damage with Bite/Crunch. Another method of fighting is with punches and kicks, and also whipping around my long, scaly tail.
I picked level 24 because 1) that's my favorite number, 2) I was married at age 24, and 3) it was around that age when I most started losing the chubbiness in my face and body. I maintain the primary Ground typing, but also gain Dark. I wouldn't be the "evil" or trickster type of Dark Pokemon, but kind of like Absol, who just prefers to hide in the shadows, away from others.
Name: Terrortois (Pronounced like tare-roar-toyse. Ter- again from terra, which also plays on the word terror, because of my Dark typing. Again, I wouldn't be evil, but just watch out if you get on my bad side.)
Type: Ground / Dark
Egg Group 1: Monster
Egg group 2: Field
Egg Moves: Metal Claw, Iron Tail, Dragon Tail, Amnesia, Yawn, Mud Sport, Muddy Water, Superpower, Bulldoze, Iron Defense, Close Combat, Rock Slide, Stone Edge
Ability(s): Shell Armor, Rough Skin, Dry Skin*
Start - Bite
Start - Tail Whip
Start - Sand-Attack
Lv. 14 - Magnitude
Lv. 17 - Curse
Lv. 20 - Rapid Spin
Lv. 24 - Knock Off
Lv. 29 - Protect
Lv. 33 - Spikes
Lv. 36 - Beat Up
Lv. 41 - Punishment
Lv. 46 - Crunch
Lv. 50 - Earthquake
Lv. 55 - Sucker Punch
Lv. 60 - Dynamic Punch
TM / HM Learnset:
Same as above but the following included...
Brick Break
Low Sweep
Poison Jab
Base Stats:
HP: 80 Att: 100 Def: 140 Sp.Att: 50 Sp.Def: 100 Speed: 50
Total: 520
Color: Same green and brown motif, but black is more prominent. Black banding around the eyes.