XY Your Shiny Hunts

Just hatched a shiny flawless Bagon (hence named 'Delta'), Jolly nature, 31/31/31/x/31/31, and the egg moves Dragon Rush, Dragon Dance, and Fire Fang! My shiny mega quest is nearing completion, as I only need:


Sadly, since there are less than 5 hours until I get ORAS, this Quest must continue into the new games, and there might be new hidden megas to add to this list!
So this was not by any means a hunt. In Omega Ruby, not three minutes after Soaring on Latios, I randomly encountered a shiny Braviary! This is the first time that I've ever encountered a shiny in a game that I had not yet defeated the Pokémon League, so I was super stoked! But it was nerve wracking trying to catch it. I only had a couple of Ultra Balls and one or two PokéBalls. But in the end caught it with an Ultra Ball! <3
Yesterday I was huntting for a shiny charmeleon in friend safari it appeard after 2 hours. Quite a short one. Currently breeding for shiny noibat.
Trying to find a Shiny Shroomish via DexNav. Around 200 encounters in, nothing relevant besides a 3iv Focus Punch Shroomish, which I'll take. Highest chain was 45 before I couldn't find any more.
After around 250 encounters, I gave up on Shroomish. Decided to find a Shiny Wailmer which I caught after two fishing chains of 44 and 10, respectively. It's my first ORAS Shiny and I'm super proud even though I had to chain fish to get my first shiny. At least I ended a drought of a month without a shiny :p
I intend to shiny hunt Zekrom.
I know he doesn't look that neat but since it's the first time he's available legitimately i'm going for it.
Trainer of Shadows said:
Just caught a shiny Zekrom after around 20 soft resets. This is the first time I've been successful in SRing for a legendary.

That is insane.

Rebooting my Shiny Breloom hunt, this time using Madusa Method. 1 Egg in no shiny, shockingly.
Using Dex Nav I successfully hunted a shiny male Ralts at the start of Alpha Sapphire, without the shiny charm, at less than 100 encounters! It's insane, and I'm wondering if Dex Nav chaining is a thing... Anyways 'Luck' as he's called is now a Gallade and helped me beat Wally's mega Gallade.

And just the other day I ran into a shiny Wingull in a horde while running through the grass, this time after I had the shiny charm. I caught it, even though this makes the fifth (!?) shiny Wingull I've obtained since X and Y came out...
Just got my first shiny in my time machine hunt (Check my post above)! Very excited, but not sure what to turn it into. Obviously, I could do a Camerupt, but the problem is that the un-inherited stat would be defense, with an IV of just 18 (which could cause some issues). The nice thing is that the shiny is actually non-Masuda (!) which means I don't need foreign parents to get a shiny, just to parents with the right IVs.

So I'm asking for suggestions. Should I just take the 18 defense IV Camerupt and go with it (it's not so bad, just a bit annoying)? Or should I choose another Pokemon? Keep in mind that any other Pokemon with the 50/50 gender ratio will have the same inheritance pattern (M/F/18/M/F/F). I haven't checked other gender ratios yet, so I can't guarantee any will be good.

And just so you know I'm not joking:
I managed to get a shiny Voltorb while hording in New Mauville, really wanted a shiny Magnemite, but I'm completely fine with Voltorb as my first non-event shiny in Alpha Sapphire :D
I can definitively state that Latias and Latios on Southern Island are not shiny locked! Just caught him after less than an hour of SR'ing with the shiny charm, and the Timid Synchronizer worked!

Galaxy Hunter, that is one awesome shiny, congrats! I'll be sr'ing for shiny legendaries soon and can't wait! But for now, I've been trying out the new chaining method with the DexNav and successfully chained a shiny Tailow! No special moves or IV's however. But contemplating on using it on my Alpha Sapphire run!
I just found myself a shiny Gloom yesterday while exploring Route 120.

I was a little surprised when that happened. I was pretty lucky, I guess.

And this was without the Shiny Charm, no less!
Klonoahedgehog said:
I just finished shiny hunting Zekrom, i finally found one.

If only OR had Zekrom :[ oh well, I still have my Master Ball, so I plan on trying for shiny Reshiram when I get the time to. OH YEAH since Feebas has a 100% encounter rate at a certain place, I plan on chain fishing for a shiny one.
I dedicated a good four hours with a chain of Sharpedo/Carvanah at route 118. Guess what I finally got on the 285th encounter?
You reeled it in too slow!

My reaction
Equinox said:
Klonoahedgehog said:
I just finished shiny hunting Zekrom, i finally found one.

If only OR had Zekrom :[ oh well, I still have my Master Ball, so I plan on trying for shiny Reshiram when I get the time to. OH YEAH since Feebas has a 100% encounter rate at a certain place, I plan on chain fishing for a shiny one.
I feel like doing this too. I like how shiny Milotic looks.
After 23 Fishing Encounters on Route 119, I encountered a shiny Feebas, and it was female! :D

Then I did the unthinkable:

I caught it.