You're HOW old?

You look older or younger than your actual age?

  • Older

    Votes: 21 33.9%
  • Younger

    Votes: 26 41.9%
  • I look my age :D

    Votes: 15 24.2%

  • Total voters


Aspiring Trainer
Has anyone ever told you that you're older or younger than you actually are?

Does it annoy you?

Flatter you?

Have any stories?

I'm 21 years old and I go to college. When people randomly come up to me, they tell me I look like a 18 year old freshman D:

It does get on my nerves when they tell me this, but I find it funny when they get suprised when I tell them my real age :D
If people online see my photograph, they usually guess I am roughly 25 (5 years out, I'm 20). In real life though, they tend to guess 18-19. I think it's my eyes that give it away, haha.
I'm 14. When I tell people that in real life I get shocked faces and either a "you're lying" or a "Really? you look 10!"
I'm short enough that when I met someone last year ( who is now my best friend ) thought I was supposed to be in fourth grade.

Of course it's annoying....
People tend to say I look 17 or 18 years old. Even though I'm still 15 :/
Anyway I'm quite tall for my age and I can be pretty smart and serious sometimes.
So.. most people won't believe I'm still 15 xD. It's quite usefull actually.
I look younger than my age. People think I look closer to 18 even though I am really 22 and almost 23.
I'm 18 right now, but people think I'm in the 20's which isn't so bad......considering the people that thinks I'm in my 20's are the casinos at Reno xD
I'm 10 years old.

However, everybody ALWAYS'S says i'm like 8 or 9...or even 7. Mark, you know what i'm saying. Some guy called me a fourth grader. I'm in 5th grade. It just gets on my nerves sometimes. :p
I've been guessed as high as 18. Probably due to my height and maturity. I'm up to Lebron James' teeth! Looking older than I am has pros and cons. One of the pros is being able to fit in with college students. You're supposed to be 18 or up to use all of the equipment, but I have never once been kicked out or something. I also get to "Talk" with the college chicks. The bad stuff usually comes money wise. The hair cut people always charge me with an adult hair cut, when I really fall under the kid price. I also get denied the kids meal menu. No more chicken fingers lol.
^ lool. I'm 16 but people think I'm 20 :/. It's ok to buy stuff over your age limit. But for trains and Buses. I always get asked 'Is that your travel card'
I have a story, although my real age remains a secret. All you need to know to enjoy the story is that I'm not an adult. :p

I was flying with my Mom and sister to Germany, and they had this swine flu form you had to fill out, for safety reasons. My Mom asks the flight attendant who gave her the form, "do kids have to fill in the form?". The lady says, "No, only you and your husband."

You must look really old when you're mistaken for your mother's husband. :/
UGH, it's the WORST for me. I'm 21 (legal age yeaaaaah!) but I've gotten so many 'Oh, you're like 14-15 right?' comments in work it's NOT even funny anymore.

I think my height's to blame. :/ And do they even bother to take into account my adult, ahem, assets to the factor? Apparently not! probably doesn't help my case that I don't wear make-up. :/

Sad that a lot of people think that well-endowed teens are not uncommon at all these days. I blame society and a general apathy for a decent dresscode from parents and the school system.
People say I look older than I actually am. They say I look old enough to drink for some reason. But I'm only 14.
In fact, I went to Sage Lake last year. My mom was getting into her raft for the river when she handed me her can of beer so she wouldn't spill it. Honestly, a cop was like, ten feet away and saw me. He did nothing.
I do like looking older, but not in school. It makes me look like the kid who got held back 3 times.