YourP1MP's Official Server

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Make A Wish
This is MY attempt to get more players on frequently. I created this server also to get people into the game. its like this basically

  1. If you are a noob but have played Pokemon before then I will walk you through Hamachi and Redshark. Just send me a private message or post here and I will address your situation.
  2. If you are new to the Pokemon TCG entirely then I will (relunctantly) guide you to MODIFIED game play on Redshark. After which you may go play in other unlimited networks.
  3. If you are a casual player or a tournement player then I encourage you to join as well because I will be moderating how often people are on and will be kicking those who don't show up for a while

I want people to have fun learning, playing and yes even mastering the Pokemon TCG. like I stated earlier, if you are not online for THREE DAYS or so and you never said anything or battled anyone then I WILL kick you off. I find at times that Hamachi rooms become dull and there is hardly ever anyone online to play with. the reason for this is because people are busy at different times. However, there has to be a time when you are not busy, in which case you should ask for a game. This shows that you are an active member.

I will moderate this network using two computers. I will be the host and a guest at the same time. If I am not at home as the guest. then I will be at work as the host (YourP1MP-Admin).

Network ID: MAWarena
Password: simple

All my other friends can join MAWarena2, simple.
Lemme know when you kick someone out, cause it's apparently full right now.
Oh wow
I didn't expect it to be full so quick. I have been moderating the network and it is pretty busy. There are 2 spots spot available right now. So, join up people!

@ Sonic_Freak. Since I have played you before I know that you love using cards outside the modified format. But I will have to ask you to use only modified format if you plan on staying on my network.
Bump. There are open spots in my network now. I am looking to keep the room busy so please join only if you will be frequently active.
YourP1MP said:
Bump. There are open spots in my network now. I am looking to keep the room busy so please join only if you will be frequently active.

hey man I joined your network not knowing how to use Hamachi with redshark please help?
There still some spots available. Some old friends joined and are on late at night, so all you night time players can look forward to that. New players are still welcome, so be sure to join.

If you are a veteran and love competition then you can join my friends network in the thread below

Which ever network you decide to join, remember that you must remain active or you WILL be kicked.
Im new to the pokemon TCG in the sense that i havent played since the first set of cards. could you please explain what redshark is so i can see if im interested
XxcornwallxX said:
Im new to the pokemon TCG in the sense that i havent played since the first set of cards. could you please explain what redshark is so i can see if im interested

Redshark is a program that manually lets you play on online card game of Pokemon. download Redshark, build a deck, and then try out a solitaire match against yourself for like 20 mins to see if you like it. If you DO, then join this network and ask for me. I will guide you through there.

Otherwise you would be better off playing the actual TCG.

P.S. there aren't any pictures.
get me in this thing yourpimp. its your favourite garchomp player ;)
OMG Its you. I made your deck famous. I am up to the 3rd version and it is amazing. I knew your deck had potential but I am anxious to see how you play it. There should be space now please join
I would like to join. I am pretty good at the card game, but I'm having difficulty with the Redshark program. I have a yahoo name if you want to IM to get the timing right for a battle.
Rikko145 said:
I would like to join. I am pretty good at the card game, but I'm having difficulty with the Redshark program. I have a yahoo name if you want to IM to get the timing right for a battle.

Well download Hamachi and join the network on the front page.
There are more spaces on the network. Please join if you will play frequently.

Details are on first page.
Aw, it's full ;_;. I'll have to wait until it's not XD.
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